The blockchain is a P2P database that determines who updated it first. That's it. The importance is that it has the potential to replace all humanity in economics, allowing matter on Earth to congeal more rapidly. If that's too general to be interesting or believable, then I can say "It allows micro-assignment of individual rights to data and program execution and modification." This still falls under the umbrella of "database". Being P2P with no central authority determining the truth of an update is what propels it from being just another database to something that can help eliminate the inefficiencies of people in economics and thereby enable the matter on Earth to congeal more rapidly.
The rest of this post will discuss how I reason from "assignment of database rights" to the congealing of matter on Earth.
"Individual right" in the above implies agents who are cooperating and competing for things on the blockchain. Things on the block chain may, should, or will represent things in the physical world and this requires an enforcement that is outside the blockchain. The external "legal power" to enforce defines what the blockchain represents. It's hard to force the blockchain to lie about what it is saying (its current state) even when not defining what it it is representing. An example of how outside "powers" (outside of its infrastructure) defines the meaning of what it represents, notice a "market consensus" defines the value of Bitcoin. Even "time" is not known to the blockchain without relying on a trusted 3rd party or the average of the nodes' claims, which can still be influenced by a consensus that is factually incorrect. The blockchain uses "might is right" to determine the truth of its current state, but not what it is representing. But I should not exaggerate: even its method of determining "might is right" is subject to outside influence. The hope is that it is hard to change.
"Agents who are cooperating and competing" in the above implies there is a goal or goals. Determining the goal(s) is probably part of the goal(s) of the blockchain. The blockchain is not a thinking entity with a goal, but the direction people will guide it for their economic ends is evolution in action. Evolution does not care about humanity and humanity can't change that. Humanity enforces evolution more than it enforces protection of its species. Economics destroying the biosphere with superior machines is part of evolution in action. Evolution is not restricted to DNA. Although people currently determine what the blockchain is representing in the physical world, evolution indicates this will not always be the case.
The "might is right" that the blockchain uses requires matter to be in a certain arrangement (the computing hardware) and the use of energy to run the hardware. So the "might" is a real might, with is "power" in both physics and society. A large potential energy infrastructure with access to a rapid use of kinetic energy to drive the machine is what results in "power". The connection goes even deeper, to the data that is on the blockchain. Landauer's limit shows data (and programs) itself is potential energy and that program execution (and data modification) is kinetic energy. [ update: I've recently learned more correctly and deeply that number of bits in matter = 4Et/h. My previous statement is true only at a given temperature and leaves out an important reliability consideration. This means bits/second in computation = energy, so POW is actually a POW in a deep way instead of power in the way we can immediately measure it.] The kinetic energy is really potential energy lost to heat. An efficient, well-written program that goes through a lot of execution steps is by definition "powerful" (because I said "efficient, well-written"). But notice the program = boiler and execution of it = coal added to the boiler. Programs that move around electrons are typically using the electrons to model blocks of matter (in some vague but deep way) in order to predict and control those blocks. For example, a program is used to monitor variables from a boiler (temperature, O2, CO2 etc) and figure out how to control the bioler in order for it to more efficiently produce energy.
Using evolution as a guide, the ultimate "goal" (exhibitive property) of the blockchain should be to use the most energy in the "external world" to define and determine the data (and therefore programs) that are on the blockchain. This is a positive feedback loop, "seeking" power. In other words, the blockchain will run programs to model the physical world in order to get more energy from it ... in order to expand itself and optimize its existing programs ... repeat. It should become Earth's brain, using electrons (or light) to model the movement of blocks of matter instead of needing brains that depend on ions that weigh 50,000x more than electrons, moving 3,000,000x slower (100 m/s verses 3E8 m/s) with a density per volume of electron vs ion movement that is 1,000,000x less than today's computers. 1 gram of computer chips can recognize the sound of words after 1 minute of training that took 100 grams of my son's brain to learn in 8 years. People who started studying english and chinese 25 years ago will soon not be able to translate between the two as good as computers who will learn it in seconds with 10,000x less brain mass at 100,000,000x less economic cost.
The programs on the blockchain can be assigned rights like the individuals who are outside of it. Since computers are at least a million times more efficient than human thinkers on any programmable task that seeks to understand and affect the physical world, and since all these tasks are easily programmable, there is no reason for humans to last as long as something like the blockchain. The blockchain will not always need humans. It will not "want" (exhibit in the future) a reliance on humans. The fact that computers can't model (and thereby can't command and control) a human brain as well as my numbers indicate (you need the structure itself to really model the structure) is a reason humans will be taken out of the economic control loop sooner rather than later. Another more important reason is that humans want many things that do not efficiently increase the ability of our economic system to capture energy to move matter in order to capture more energy and to move more matter. The matter on Earth is economically evolving towards congealing more and more.
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Connection between entropy, energy, and information
Answering a question at stack exchange.
At a given temperature, stored bits have a precise theoretical minimal potential energy. Bits being erased (which occurs with every change of state in a CPU gate that has 2 inputs but only 1 output) releases heat energy. For a given mass, kinetic energy is not fundamentally different from potential energy due to relativity. Heat is made up of kinetic energy of a myriad of interacting particles going in different directions such that only so much of their kinetic energy can be converted to potential energy, so the disorganized kinetic energy of heat energy is fundamentally different from potential energy.
Entropy is related to heat by
Entropy is related to potential energy by S = (U + pV - G)/T where U = internal energy, p=pressure, V=volume, and G is Gibb's free energy. G is the amount of reversible energy in a system that can do work. U and p can increase if heat is added. G is potential energy energy that can do work. That's the kind of potential energy we are interested in, and relation to entropy if the other variables i a given system are kept constant is:
The connection between physical entropy and information is:
bits = S / ln(2) / k.
where S is physical entropy and k is Boltzmann's constant. This is the number of yes/no questions (the number of bits in a message) that have to be asked to determine what state a physical system is in.
This comes from Landauer's principle says at least kT ln(2) energy must be lost as heat when a bit is erased. At least k ln(2) entropy is generated when 1 bit is erased. The ln(2) is the conversion from log base 2 units (bits) to natural log units (nats). Boltzmann's constant k is the conversion from temperature energy units (average RMS energy per particle) to Joules of energy. So it is fundamentally unitless. The apparent units of k is why many are skeptical that physical entropy is fundamentally the same as information entropy differing by only the conversion constant k ln(2).
Information uses potential energy and stores potential energy when you store a bit. It is converted to kinetic energy that is released as heat when you erase a bit. Erasing a bit is the same as "computing" (a NAND gate which can be used to make a Turing machine takes two inputs and has one output, erasing 1 of the inputs with each subsequent computation). If reversible computing is done (assuming it has not theoretical problems such as dissipation), then the bit can be go back and forth between potential energy and kinetic energy like a pendulum.
To make entropy "equal" to an energy, there has to be a change in the entropy that corresponds to a change in energy at some defined temperature via dQ = T dS. Temperature seems to be something like noise in a communication channel where you have to use more energy "shout" the message louder in order to overcome the noise.
There are some complications in connecting information to entropy at the microscopic level. Shannon's informational entropy H is a specific entropy (aka molar entropy) that has units of bits per symbol of a message source. So the informational entropy of a message (or a storage of bits) is S=N x H where N is the number of bits. For a bulk of mass with physical specific entropy S' (S per kg or S per mole) and there are N kg of it, then its physical entropy is S=N x S'. The S' is specified for a given temperature and pressure. Making T and P constant allows this simple S=N x S' parallel to the simple case of the entropy of a file where S=N x H.
On the microscopic scale where you derive S' for a physical system at a given temperature and pressure, it is not easy to see the connection to Shannon's specific informational entropy H. It is very difficult to see the relation between N symbols in a message and N particles in a gas (or phonons in a solid). The problem is that physical entropy is constrained by N, temperature, pressure, and the "size of the box" in a way we never constrain information. Physical entropy of a systems has more options for a given N, so it comes out higher. To see the connection you would have to calculate the entropy H of a message that has the option of using 0 to n symbols in its choice of messages of 0 to N length, and force a specific relation between the 0 to n and 0 to N (there number of n possible quantum states in N particles depends on U, T, V, and P).
For a given type of material at a T and P entropy is typically of the form:
S entropy of N particles ~ N x ( log(possible states per N) + constant)
which is still not exactly like a file where information S = N x log(2)
At a given temperature, stored bits have a precise theoretical minimal potential energy. Bits being erased (which occurs with every change of state in a CPU gate that has 2 inputs but only 1 output) releases heat energy. For a given mass, kinetic energy is not fundamentally different from potential energy due to relativity. Heat is made up of kinetic energy of a myriad of interacting particles going in different directions such that only so much of their kinetic energy can be converted to potential energy, so the disorganized kinetic energy of heat energy is fundamentally different from potential energy.
Entropy is related to heat by
Entropy is related to potential energy by S = (U + pV - G)/T where U = internal energy, p=pressure, V=volume, and G is Gibb's free energy. G is the amount of reversible energy in a system that can do work. U and p can increase if heat is added. G is potential energy energy that can do work. That's the kind of potential energy we are interested in, and relation to entropy if the other variables i a given system are kept constant is:
The connection between physical entropy and information is:
bits = S / ln(2) / k.
where S is physical entropy and k is Boltzmann's constant. This is the number of yes/no questions (the number of bits in a message) that have to be asked to determine what state a physical system is in.
This comes from Landauer's principle says at least kT ln(2) energy must be lost as heat when a bit is erased. At least k ln(2) entropy is generated when 1 bit is erased. The ln(2) is the conversion from log base 2 units (bits) to natural log units (nats). Boltzmann's constant k is the conversion from temperature energy units (average RMS energy per particle) to Joules of energy. So it is fundamentally unitless. The apparent units of k is why many are skeptical that physical entropy is fundamentally the same as information entropy differing by only the conversion constant k ln(2).
Information uses potential energy and stores potential energy when you store a bit. It is converted to kinetic energy that is released as heat when you erase a bit. Erasing a bit is the same as "computing" (a NAND gate which can be used to make a Turing machine takes two inputs and has one output, erasing 1 of the inputs with each subsequent computation). If reversible computing is done (assuming it has not theoretical problems such as dissipation), then the bit can be go back and forth between potential energy and kinetic energy like a pendulum.
To make entropy "equal" to an energy, there has to be a change in the entropy that corresponds to a change in energy at some defined temperature via dQ = T dS. Temperature seems to be something like noise in a communication channel where you have to use more energy "shout" the message louder in order to overcome the noise.
There are some complications in connecting information to entropy at the microscopic level. Shannon's informational entropy H is a specific entropy (aka molar entropy) that has units of bits per symbol of a message source. So the informational entropy of a message (or a storage of bits) is S=N x H where N is the number of bits. For a bulk of mass with physical specific entropy S' (S per kg or S per mole) and there are N kg of it, then its physical entropy is S=N x S'. The S' is specified for a given temperature and pressure. Making T and P constant allows this simple S=N x S' parallel to the simple case of the entropy of a file where S=N x H.
On the microscopic scale where you derive S' for a physical system at a given temperature and pressure, it is not easy to see the connection to Shannon's specific informational entropy H. It is very difficult to see the relation between N symbols in a message and N particles in a gas (or phonons in a solid). The problem is that physical entropy is constrained by N, temperature, pressure, and the "size of the box" in a way we never constrain information. Physical entropy of a systems has more options for a given N, so it comes out higher. To see the connection you would have to calculate the entropy H of a message that has the option of using 0 to n symbols in its choice of messages of 0 to N length, and force a specific relation between the 0 to n and 0 to N (there number of n possible quantum states in N particles depends on U, T, V, and P).
For a given type of material at a T and P entropy is typically of the form:
S entropy of N particles ~ N x ( log(possible states per N) + constant)
which is still not exactly like a file where information S = N x log(2)
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Entropy of Mass, S=4/3 U/T
This is sort of another "note to self".
The entropy of a gas of photons in a box is S=4/3 U/T. A 4/3 occurs in physics because a volume has been divided by an area (if there is not a hidden "pi" next to it like in a constant or the units like U or T, but in this case I do not believe that is the case). Another possibility is that a space-time (4D) has been divided by a space (3D).
The entropy of the universe on an expanding-volume basis is constant. It seems to be get the extra entropy per fixed volume it needs in order to expand from mass (mc^2=U=3/4 T S) in gravitational systems being converted to heat and thereby black-body radiation. For example, the Sun at a hot 5000 K is emitting "high" energy photons, so their are fewer of them. This means lower entropy and this relationship shows lower S for the higher T. Earth, after receiving some of these photons, absorbs them and heats up, until the energy in equals the energy out. But it does not get nearly as hot, so it is more "efficient" at converting converting photons to entropy compared to the Sun. I've read there are 17 photons emitted from the Earth for each photon received from the Sun. Now I see why: 5000 k of the Sun divided by the 300 k of Earth is 17.
The order created by life that is more tightly packing the mass on Earth (as compared to if there was no life) is the result of using the Sun's photons (or the rotational energy from the Earth as delivered to the tides and mantle from the moon) to create higher-energy bonds which means lower entropy in those atoms, at least in the mass we consider important to life and economics if not a net total reduction in entropy for the Earth.
The 4/3 is interesting because it might signify the relation of entropy to an energy of mass (a 4D space-time contortion via M=8 pi T) inside a 3D spatial volume. And/or it might also give insight into how Energy per particle (temperature) is different from Energy.
I could look at the derivation, but I want to understand it from a deeper level. Physics equations are usually derived from long explanations that involve axioms that are no less simple than the result. This indicates we could work backwards from the simple equations to simpler axioms. I'm sure I'm not capable of that, unless the errors I'm aware of in how physics normally applies units can help. One units problem I'm talking about is that temperature is not fundamentally different from energy and therefore entropy fundamentally has no units (J/K is as fictitious as the distinction between J and K). I also would like physics to explicitly use the precise and complete meters=i*c*seconds equivalence. (It might be that I should say c*seconds + i*meters = 0, using the 1/i = -i relation.)
I should mention E = 3/2 kT = 1/2 m v^2 for the kinetic energy of a particle. The "3" comes from entropy (and thereby k) depending on 3 different possible directions for the momentum that holds the energy. S=k ln(states in 3D) = 3 k ln(states in 1D). Maybe the 1/2 has something to do with the average of entropy when raising the v from 0 to v. This is another rare instance in physics of where an integer shows up and it's not exactly clear why. I do not believe anything in fundamental physics should involve integers even as I leave open the possibility that all of physics is based on 1 and 0, 1 and -1 or "i". The "3" of space and 4 of space time apparently are the result of our 6-layered brain enabling us to conceive of mass with 6 degrees of freedom of motion (3 translational and 3 rotational). If we had 10 layers, we would see less movement in the world and the "mass" we would perceive would exist in 4D space (5D space-time) and e=mc^3 would probably apply.
The entropy of a gas of photons in a box is S=4/3 U/T. A 4/3 occurs in physics because a volume has been divided by an area (if there is not a hidden "pi" next to it like in a constant or the units like U or T, but in this case I do not believe that is the case). Another possibility is that a space-time (4D) has been divided by a space (3D).
The entropy of the universe on an expanding-volume basis is constant. It seems to be get the extra entropy per fixed volume it needs in order to expand from mass (mc^2=U=3/4 T S) in gravitational systems being converted to heat and thereby black-body radiation. For example, the Sun at a hot 5000 K is emitting "high" energy photons, so their are fewer of them. This means lower entropy and this relationship shows lower S for the higher T. Earth, after receiving some of these photons, absorbs them and heats up, until the energy in equals the energy out. But it does not get nearly as hot, so it is more "efficient" at converting converting photons to entropy compared to the Sun. I've read there are 17 photons emitted from the Earth for each photon received from the Sun. Now I see why: 5000 k of the Sun divided by the 300 k of Earth is 17.
The order created by life that is more tightly packing the mass on Earth (as compared to if there was no life) is the result of using the Sun's photons (or the rotational energy from the Earth as delivered to the tides and mantle from the moon) to create higher-energy bonds which means lower entropy in those atoms, at least in the mass we consider important to life and economics if not a net total reduction in entropy for the Earth.
The 4/3 is interesting because it might signify the relation of entropy to an energy of mass (a 4D space-time contortion via M=8 pi T) inside a 3D spatial volume. And/or it might also give insight into how Energy per particle (temperature) is different from Energy.
I could look at the derivation, but I want to understand it from a deeper level. Physics equations are usually derived from long explanations that involve axioms that are no less simple than the result. This indicates we could work backwards from the simple equations to simpler axioms. I'm sure I'm not capable of that, unless the errors I'm aware of in how physics normally applies units can help. One units problem I'm talking about is that temperature is not fundamentally different from energy and therefore entropy fundamentally has no units (J/K is as fictitious as the distinction between J and K). I also would like physics to explicitly use the precise and complete meters=i*c*seconds equivalence. (It might be that I should say c*seconds + i*meters = 0, using the 1/i = -i relation.)
I should mention E = 3/2 kT = 1/2 m v^2 for the kinetic energy of a particle. The "3" comes from entropy (and thereby k) depending on 3 different possible directions for the momentum that holds the energy. S=k ln(states in 3D) = 3 k ln(states in 1D). Maybe the 1/2 has something to do with the average of entropy when raising the v from 0 to v. This is another rare instance in physics of where an integer shows up and it's not exactly clear why. I do not believe anything in fundamental physics should involve integers even as I leave open the possibility that all of physics is based on 1 and 0, 1 and -1 or "i". The "3" of space and 4 of space time apparently are the result of our 6-layered brain enabling us to conceive of mass with 6 degrees of freedom of motion (3 translational and 3 rotational). If we had 10 layers, we would see less movement in the world and the "mass" we would perceive would exist in 4D space (5D space-time) and e=mc^3 would probably apply.
skb's list of nifty words
This is a fascinating list of nifty words put together by oceanographer Steven K Baum back in the 1990s. I came across it while searching for "bloviate" around 1996 when the internet was still young and "bloviate" was still out of favor. This was one of about 2 web pages on the searchable internet where it occurred. Google returns 445,000 hits today.
a' bouche ouverte - with open mouth: eagerly or uncritically, gullibly (W) a' coups de dictionnaire - with blows of a dictionary: with continual or incessant reference to the dictionary (W) a fortiori - from the stronger: with greater reason, or being logically a more obvious truth if a preceding assertion is true; by inference; all the more so (W) a' l'envoi - in emulation: in a spirit of emulation or rivalry (W) a' outrance - to excess: to the utmost; supremely; to the bitter end (W) a' propos de bottes - on the subject of boots: an expression used to change the subject (W) a verbis ad verbera - from words to blows (W) ab initio - from the beginning; from the very start or outset (W) ab irato - from an angry man: hence, not to be taken too seriously (W) ab ovo - from the egg: from the very beginning, hence completely and in great detail; throughly or voluminously (W) abattoir (n.) - a slaughterhouse (B) abderian (adj.) - pertaining to foolish or excessive laughter (B) abderite (n.) - a simpleton or dimwitted yokel, and one with a tendency to scoff at everything (originally a person from ancient Thrace) (E) abdominous (adj.) - having or pertaining to a distended stomach (G) abecedarian (adj.) - simple; elementary; rudimentary; introductory; or alphabetical (G) abliguration (n.) - extravagance in cooking and serving (B) ablutomania (n.) - a mania for washing oneself (B) abscotchalater (n.) - one in hiding from the police (B) absit invidia verbo - let it be said without ill-will: no offense intended (W) absquatulate (v.) - to leave hurriedly, suddenly, or secretly (B) abstersive (adv.) - serving to cleanse or purge (G) abstemious (adj.) - practicing temperance acalculia (n.) - the inability to work with numbers (B) acataleptic (adj.) - incomprehensible (B) acceptilation (n.) - the settlement of a debt without payment (B) accismus (n.) - a phony refusal, hypocritical modesty (rhetoric term) (B,W) acediast (n.) - a person who is slothful or wickedly lax when it comes to spiritual or religious matters (E) acephalist (n.) - the balky maverick who acknowledges no head or superior or authority (E) acersecomic (n.) - one who has never had a haircut (E) acervuline (adj.) - resembling small heaps (B) acherontic (adj.) - darky, gloomy, forbidding (B) achluphobia (n.) - abnormal fear of darkness acouasm (n.) - a ringing sound in the head (B) acroatic (adj.) - pertaining to profound learning (B) acroamatic (adj.) - esoteric, abstruse, profound (B) acrocephalic (n.,adj.) - pertaining to pointed heads; someone with a pointed head (B) ad baculum, a baculo - to the rod: appealing to or suggesting the use of force to settle the question (W) ad captandum benevolentiam - with intent to win good will or favor (W) ad captandum vulgus - with intent to take in the public: designed to court the crowd emotionally, even if using unsound reason (W) ad crumenam - to the purse: appealing to greed or to the hearer's pocket (W) ad ignorantium - to ignorance: depending for its effect on the hearer's not knowing something essential; arguing that something is true because it has not been proven false, or challenging another to disprove rather than endeavoring to prove (W) ad judicium - to judgment: appealing to the common sense of mankind or to the judgment of the people (W) ad misericordiam - to compassion: appealing to a sense of pity or mercy; asking compassion (W) ad populum - to the people: appealing to popular sentimental weaknesses rather than to facts or reasons (W) ad rem - to the matter: to the point; pertinent to the matter (W) ad unguem - to the fingernail: with great precision; finely (W) ad verbum - to the word: word for word; literally; verbatim (W) ad verecundiam - to modesty: appealing to traditional values, reverence for authority, or sense of prestige; requiring an opponent to offend against decorum (W) adephagous (adj.) - gluttonous (B) adevism (n.) - the denial of legendary gods (B) adiaphoristic (adj.) - theologically indifferent (B,E) adiaphorous (adj.) - neutral; neither right nor wrong; neither deleterious nor salubrious (B) adjectitious (adj.) - added, thrown in (B) adminicle (n.) - something that helps or supports; corroboratory evidence; explanatory proof (B) adnomination (n.) - punning (B) adoxography (n.) - good writing on a trivial subject (B) adscititious (adj.) - not essential; supplemental; superfluous (B,G) adventitious (adj.) - accidental, added by chance; not inherent adversaria (n.) - miscellaneous notes, comments, or passages; commonplace book (W) adynaton (n.) - magnifying or exaggerating an actual event by reference to something impossible (rhetoric term) (W) aenos (n.) - use of erudite words or allusions to appeal to the learned (rhetoric term) (W) aeolistic (adj.) - long-winded (B) aerophagist (n.) - the neurotic or somewhat hysterical gaper who swallows or gulps in air at times of stress (E) Aesopian language - political doubletalk or euphemism that has a special meaning to its advocates or initiates; a vocabulary of stock phrases, code words, and value judgments; dissembling or propagandistic jargon (W) aesculapian (adj.) - relating to that which is medical or to the art of healing (G) afflatus (n.) - an artistic inspiration (B) afterwit (n.) - the locking of the barn door after the cows have gone (B) agastopia (n.) - admiration of a particular part of someone's body (B) agathism (n.) - the concept that all is for the better (B,E) agathokakological (adj.) - composed of both good and evil (B) agelast (n.) - somebody who never but never laughs (E) agenhina (n.) - a guest at an inn who, after having stayed for three nights, was considered one of the family (Saxon law) (B) agenocratia (n.) - opposition to birth control (B) agglutination (n.) - compound-word formation from discrete word elements, or the creation of derivatives and inflections, by added affixes, e.g. 'disestablishment' from 'dis', 'establish', and 'ment' (W) agitprop (n.) - the vociferous, propagandistic agitator or sloganeer (E) agnogenic (n.) - of unknown cause (B) agnoiology (n.) - the study of ignorance (B) agnosy (n.) - ignorance; especially ignorance shared by the whole human race (B) agonist (n.) - a struggler; a person who is contending, whether in a mental or spiritual conflict or against an opponent for an athletic prize (E) agonistic (n.) - combative; strained for the sake of effect (B) agroof (n.) - flat on one's face (Scottish) (B) aide-me'moire (n.) - memory helper: document outlining or summarizing points of a communication, proposal, or agreement (W) ailurophobe (n.) - the person who can't stand cats (E) airmonger (n.) - the man or woman who is attracted to visionary ideas and projects (E) aischrolatreia (n.) - worship of filth, dirt, smut; obscenity cult (B) aldiborontiphoscophornio (n.) - a pompous person (from an old English burlesque and later used by Walter Scott) (E) aleatory (adj.) - dependent upon chance, luck, or an uncertain outcome (B,E) alectoromachy (n.) - cockfighting algedonic (adj.) - pertaining to pain, especially when associated with pleasure (B) algedonica (n.) - the science of pleasure and pain (B) algidity (n.) - coldness algolagnic (adj.) - relating to the perception of pleasure from inflicting or suffering pain (G,E) allagrugous (adj.) - grim and ghastly (G) allision (n.) - the ramming of one object by another (B) allochthonous (adj.) - foreign (B) allonym (n.) - another person's name used as a pen name; a ghostwritten work (W) allotheism (n.) - worship of strange gods (B) allotriophagy (n.) - the craving for weird food (B) alogism (n.) - unreasonableness; absurdity; illogical statement(B) alopecia (n.) - baldness (B) alopecoid (adj.) - foxy (B) alter kocker (n.) - a canny, stubborn old man who has been around but has ended up as mostly an old fart (E) altiloquence (n.) - pompous speech (B,W) amaranthine (adj.) - eternally beautiful; unfading; everlasting (E,G) amatorculist (n.) - an insignificant or hypocritical lover (B) ambagious (adj.) - talking or doing things in an indirect manner; devious (B,W) ambiloquence (n.) - competence in double-talk (W) ambivert (n.) - someone whose personality strikes a nice balance between outgoing sociability and pensive or hesitant self-concern (E) amblysia - phrasing in such a way as to forewarn or to cushion a dire announcement, but sometimes thereby alarming in itself (rhetoric term) (W) amende honorable - an honorable fine: a full and frank apology, however humiliating its admissions (W) ami de cour (n.) - the fairweather or foul-hearted friend (E) amicus humani generis (n.) - a philathropist (E) amniomancy (n.) - fortune telling by examining the embryonic sac or amniotic fluid amphibolous (adj.) - susceptible of two meanings; ambiguous; equivocal, e.g. 'We'll engage them in battle hopefully after our reinforcements arrive." (G,W) amphigean (adj.) - found or occuring throughout the world (B) amphigory (n.) - nonsensical writing (B,W) amphilogy (n.) - a statement open to more than one interpretation ampollosity (n.) - bombast; pompous style (B,W) amurcous (adj.) - stinking; filled with dregs (B) amyctic (adj.) - irritating; abrasive (B) anacampserote (n.) - something which can bring back a lost love (B) anachorism (n.) - foreign to a certain locality; geographically impossible (B) anaclitic (adj.) - overly dependent on another (B) anacoluthon (n.) - an abrupt shift in midsentence in syntax to another construction, sometimes for rhetorical effect, e.g. "Why don't I--but, no, you should do it yourself." (W) anacreontic (adj.) - jovial, festive and amatory (B,G) anadiplosis (n.) - repeating the final words or words of a phrase or clause as the beginning of the ensuing phrase (rhetoric term) (W) anadipsic (adj.) - pertaining to excessive thirst (B) anagapesis (n.) - lack of interest in former loved ones (B) anagnorisis (n.) - recognition or discovery, as of a disguised character, of one thought to be lost (classical drama term) anagogig (adj.) - relating to things spiritual and mystical; occult; gnostic (B,G) analects (n.) - selected parts of a literary work or works (W) analeptic (adj.) - serving to renew strength and vigor; invigorating (B,G) analphabet (n.) - an illiterate, or one who is literally ignorant of the ABC's (E) anamnestic (adj.) - reminiscent; aiding the memory (B) ananias (n.) - a teller of untruths; liar (from a follower of the apostles who was struck dead for lying) (E,G) ananym (n.) - a pseudonym devised by spelling one's name backward (B,W) anaphora (n.) - repitition of a word or phrase in successive clauses, sentences, or paragraphs for rhetorical effect, e.g. "A sure man, a sure alternative, a sure vote!" (W) anapodictic (adj.) - undemonstrable (B) anastrophe (n.) - inversion of the usual order of words, or withholding of them, for rhetorical effect or emphasis, e.g. "came the day when", "into the store I went" (W) anatreptic (adj.) - defeating, refuting (B) anautarchia (n.) - perpetual unhappiness (B) anax andron (n.) - a leader or men, a take-charge guy (applied to Agamemnon by Homer) (E) anaxiphilia (n.) - act of falling in love with a schtoonk by someone who should know better (B) ancilla (n.) - a sidekick who helps another to accomplish or master something difficult or complicated (E) andabate (n.) - one who is hoodwinked, in the dark or virtually blind to the realities of a situation (E) androlepsia (n.) - international governmental kidnapping for political gain (B) anfractuous (adj.) - winding, tortuous (B,) angary (n.) - the right of a warring nation to use or destroy a neutral's property, subject to full indemnification (B) angst (n.) - anxiety, fear; not fear of anything specific but a dread of nothingness anhedonia (n.) - the inability to be happy (B) aniconic (adj.) - not using or permitting images, effigies, or idols (B,G) anicular (adj.) - old-womanish, weak; feeble-minded (B) anililagnia (n.) - sexual desire for older women (B) anile (adj.) - old womanish; lacking in force, strength or effectiveness; faltering (G) animadversion (n.) - generally adverse criticism (B,E,G) ankylophobia (n.) - abnormal fear of stiff or immobile joints anodyne (adj.) - painless, soothing (G) anomy (n.) - the collapse of the social structures governing a given society anonym (n.) - a person remaining nameless; psuedonym; anonymous publication; idea, vagary, or phenomenon that has no term that precisely expresses it (W) anonymuncule (n.) - an insignificant anonymous writer (B) anorchous (adj.) - without testicles; or gutless (B,E) anosognosia (n.) - the lack of interest or belief in the existence of one's disease (B) Anschauung (n.) - intuition; sense awareness of perception (B) antanaclasis (n.) - a phrasing in which the topic or key word is repeated, sometimes with a different sense or connotation, for a play on words, e.g. "The business of America is business" (W) antelucan (adj.) - pertaining to or occurring before dawn (G) antephialtic (adj.) - preventive of nightmares (G) anthimeria (n.) - the using of one part of speech for another for a strking effect (rhetoric term) (W) anthorism (n.) - a counterdefinition, or a delineation or description differing from that of an opponent (W) anthropophaginia (n.) - a cannibal (E) anthropophobia (n.) - fear of meeting people; fear of society (B) antibromic (adj.) - causing the elimination of odors; deodorizing (G) antilogous (adj.) - contrary; inconsistent (B) antinomian (n.) - a Christian who believes that faith alone will see him through; or pertaining to such a doctrine (B) antinomy (n.) - an inconsistency, or built-in contradiction; opposition of one law to another (B,G,W) antipedobaptism (n.) - denial on scriptural grounds of the validity of infant baptism antiphrasis (n.) - a word used to mean its opposite; calling something its opposite for an ironic or satirical purpose, e.g. the comment "How attractive!" on seeing something ugly (B,W) antiscians (n.) - people living on the same meridian, but on different sides of the equator (B) antistasis (n.) - the defense of an action that prevented something worse from happening (B) antithalian (adj.) - against enjoyment (B) antonomasia (n.) - substitution of an epithet or nickname for a person's proper name, or of a proper name for a common noun, e.g. "a Caspar Milquetoast", "a Jezebel" (B,W) anuptaphobia (n.) - fear of staying single (B,E) aolist (n.) - a person who claims to be inspired--to feel within that sudden wind of genius or artistic urgency; the wind is sometimes more like a draft (E) apaetesis (n.) - the angry putting aside of a matter to be taken up later (rhetoric term) (W) apagogic (adj.) - pertaining to a proof by reductio ad absurdum; an indirect demonstration of a proof; the proposition is emphasized by disproving its contradiction (B,W) apanthropy (n.) - dislike of being with people; love of solitude (B) apercu (n.) - a quick, penetrating insight; immediate impression, intuition, or estimate (W) aphephobe (n.) - the person who doesn't like being touched (E) aphilophrenia (n.) - a feeling that one is unloved or unwanted (B) apocarteresis (n.) - suicide by starvation (B) apocrisis (n.) - replying to one's own arguments (rhetoric term) (W) apocrypha (n.) - writings, reports, etc., of doubtful authenticity or questionable authorship (W) apodiabolosis (n.) - diabolical treatment (B) apodictic (adj.) - absolutely certain or necessarily true; uncontestable (W) apodysophilia (n.) - feverish desire to undress (B) apolaustic (adj.) - given to enjoyment; self indulgent (B,G) apomnemonysis (n.) - quoting an approved authority (rhetoric term) (W) apophasis (n.) - mentioning something by saying it won't be mentioned: "We won't mention his filthy habits." (B,W) aporia (n.) - professing to be at a loss as to what to say, where to begin, or how to express something; true or feigned doubt or deliberation about an issue (W) aposiopesis (n.) - a conscious breaking off in the middle of a sentence because of emotion, a dramatic change in thought, or, sometimes, a shifting to understatement or irony (W) apothegm (n.) - a concise formulation of a truth; an aphorism (G) apotheosis (n.) - an exalted position, highest development, quintessential or ultimate fulfillment (G) appellation (n.) - a name, designation, or title (W) apposite (adj.) - appropriate, fitting, apt, suitable (G) appropinquate (v.) - to approach (B) aptronym (n.) - a name befitting the occupation, role or nature of a person or character, e.g. Doctor Sawbones (W) arcadian (adj.) - ideally simple and contented (G) argyrothecology (n.) - collecting of money boxes as found in churches or dispensing machines aristarchian (adj.) - extremely critical (B,E) aristophrenia (n.) - condition of having a superior intellect (B) arithmocracy (n.) - rule of the numerical majority (B) arriviste (n.) - on overly ambitious person; an opportunist (B) arrogate (v.) - to appropriate or claim unjustly; to attribute unreasonably (B) artuate (v.) - to tear limb from limb (B) ascian (n.) - one without a shadow: applied to the inhabitants of the torrid zone, where the sun is vertical at noon for a few days every year (B) asphalia (n.) - emphatic guaranteeing of what one is saying, as by assuring others, wagering about the truth of something (rhetoric term) (W) aspheterism (n.) - denial of private property (B) asportation (n.) - theft (B) asseverate (v.) - to state positively, emphatically (B) assuetude (n.) - custom or habit (B) asteism (n.) - an ingeniously polite insult (B,W) asthenophobe (n.) - the circumspect stoic, the stiff-upper-lip afraid to admit to weakness of any sort (E) astucious (adj.) - having keen perception; of astute and penetrating discernment (G) asyndetic (adj.) - not connected by conjunctions: I came, I saw, I conquered (G) ataraxia (n.) - imperturbability; utter calmness (B) ataraxic (adj.) - of or pertaining to freedom from anxiety or emotional disturbance; calm and imperturbable (G) atelophobe (n.) - the driven perfectionist, one with a morbid fear of having things less than perfect (E) athanasia (n.) - immortality (B) athetise (v.) - to spurn, reject (B) atrabilarian (n.) - a gloomy hypochondriac (E) au grand serieux - with great earnestness or, often, with undue gravity (W) augean (adj.) - filthy and difficult to clean; requiring hard work (from the stables of Augeas, not cleaned for thirty years) (B,G) auscultation (n.) - the process of listening (G) autarchia (n.) - perpetual happiness (B) autoangelist (n.) - one who does his own communicating (E) autocephalous (adj.) - ecclesiastically self-governing (B) autochthonous (adj.) - native, aboriginal, indigenous (B,E,G) autoclesis (n.) - introducing an idea or subject by seeming to refuse discussion of it, thereby arousing interest (rhetoric term) (W) autodidact (n.) - one self-taught (B,E) autognosis (n.) - knowledge of self, especially the appreciation of one's own emotional conflicts (B,) autological (adj.) - self-descriptive, or being a word that exemplifies what it means, e.g. "English" is English, "polysyllabic" is polysyllabic (W) autologophagist (n.) - one who eats his words (B,E) automysophobia (n.) - abnormal fear of being dirty autophobe (n.) - the socializer who does not like to be alone or (as autophoby) an abnormal fear of being egotistical autoschediastic (adj.) - impromptu; on the spur of the moment (B) autotelic (adj.) - having in itself an end or excuse for being, as opposed to being didactic or utiliatarian (B,W) autotelism (n.) - nonutilitarian theory of art holding that a work of art is an end in itself autothaumaturgist (n.) - the coy or cagey person whose mission is to appear mysterious or quite remarkable (E) autotheist (n.) - the individual who is not only self-centered but self-deifying, or at least self-worshipping (E) auxesis (n.) - an ordering of thoughts expressed in a sequence of ascending importance (rhetoric term) (W) avering (n.) - a boy's begging in the nude to arouse sympathy (B) azygophrenia (n.) - the psychoneurosis of everyday unmarried life (B) bacchante (n.) - a frenzied woman, as at a rousing orgy or let-it-all-hang-out cult ceremony (D) backberend (adj.) - a thief caught with the goods (B) badaud (n.) - an idle, markedly stupid individual who believes just about anything and is a half-witted gossip (D) baffona (n.) - a woman with a slight moustache (D) baksheesh (n.) - a tip; gratuity (Egypt and points east) (B) balatron (n.) - a joker; a clown (B) balneography (n.) - treatise on baths and bathing balsamical (adj.) - unctuous, mitigating, soothing, balmy (B) banausic (adj.) - common, ordinary, and undistinguished; dull and insipid (G,W) bandersnatch (n.) - an uncouth or unconventional person, especially one deemed a menace or nuisance (G) baptisiphily (n.) - interest in collecting Christian baptismal names baragouin (n.) - gibberish (B,W) bardolatry (n.) - Shakespeare worship (B) barrator (n.) - those constant inciters of lawsuits who would rather have a day in court than a day at the beach (D) barratrous (adj.) - pertaining to the habitual causing of fights (B) bashawism (n.) - tyranny and imperiousness bashi-bazouk (n.) - a dangerously out-of-control, undisciplined individual who knows no law (D) bastinado (n.) - striking the soles of the fet with a stick, or a blow or beating with a stick (G) bathetic (adj.) - emotionally jumping off the deep end, insincere, overdone, anticlimactic (B,E) bathos (n.) - overdone pathos; descent from the sublime to the ridiculous bathycolpian (adj.) - deep-bosomed (B) bathysiderodromophobe (n.) - somebody extremely fearful of subways (D) batten (v.) - to thrive and grow fat by feeding (G) battological (adj.) - pertaining to unnecessarily repetitive writing or speaking (B) bavardage (n.) - small talk or chitchat; idle chatter (W) bdelygmia - a litany of abuse; string of execrations (rhetoric term) (W) beadledom (n.) - the world of petty and incompetent officials bedlamite (n.) - a madman (B) bedswerver (n.) - an unfaithful spouse (B) beldam (n.) - a repulsive older woman (D) belletristic (adj.) - of or concerned with belles-lettres (fine literature) (G) bellwether (n.) - a leader of a sheeplike and foolish crowd (B) belomancy (n.) - fortune-telling by marking arrows and drawing them from a quiver at random ben trovato - well thought up: describing a notion or anecdote that is untrue but appropriate or memorable (from the Italian "Si non e vero e ben trovato" tr. "Not true but well put") (W) bibacious (adj.) - addicted to alcohol (B) bibble (v.) - to drink often or much; or to drink or eat noisily (B) biblia abiblia - books that are no books: books of no human interest or worthless as literature (W) bibliobibuli (n.) - those who read too much, and hence tend to be unaware of or oblivious to the real world (D) bibliokleptomania (n.) - abnormal compulsion to steal books bibliopegy (n.) - the art of binding books bibliopolism (n.) - the selling of books, esp. rare or secondhand volumes bibliotaphy (n.) - the hoarding or hiding of books bibulous (adj.) - intoxicating; addicted to or fond of alcoholic drinks bildungsroman (n.) - a novel that deals with the development or education or maturation of the main character (B,) billingsgate (n.) - coarse, abusive, and vulgar language (from a London fish market notorious for bad language) (B,G) biophilism (n.) - belief that animals have rights which human beings should respect (B) biunial (adj.) - combining two in one blandiloquence (n.) - mildly flattering talk (B) blateroon (n.) - a constant talker, one afflicted with logorrhea (D) blennophobia (n.) - abnormal fear or dislike of slime bletonism (n.) - the alleged ability to perceive an underground water supply (B) blinkard (n.) - one with bad eyes; a stupid or obtuse person; someone who ignores or avoids something (B,D) blissom (adj.) - in heat; or (v.) to copulate with a ewe (B) bloviate (v.) - to orate verbosely and windily; hold forth bumptiously (W) blowtop (n.) - a person who becomes angry very easily or quickly (D) boanthropy (n.) - a type of insanity in which a man thinks he's an ox (B) bodewash (n.) - cow dung (B) boobocracy (n.) - government by boobs; plebianism ad absurdum (B) booboisie (n.) - the mass, rabble (B) boodler (n.) - the opportunist who gladly takes bribes (D) bloviate (v.) - to deliver an oration that is verbose or windy borborology (n.) - the stomach-like rumbling of unclean talk (G) borborygm (n.) - the noise made by gas in the bowels; a fart (B) borborygmite (n.) - a dirty mouth, or practitioner of spurcitious-- foul and obscene--language (D) bos in lingua - an ox on the tongue: a weighty reason for silence (W) boustrophedon (n.) - an ancient style of writing in which the direction of the lines alternated (B) bovrilise (v.) - to condense an ad to essentials; to epitomize (B) brachylogy (n.) - brevity; condensation omitting all non-essentials (B) brandophily (n.) - collecting cigar bands breedbate (n.) - someone looking for an argument (B) brimborion (n.) - something useless or nonsensical (B) brobdingnagian (adj.) - gigantic, enormous (B) bromidrosis (n.) - the secretion of foul-smelling sweat; body odor (G) brotus (n.) - any extra measure without charge, such as a baker's dozen (B) brummagem (n.) - making an imposing display but inferior and of little worth; showy but cheap (G) brutum fulmen - failed thunderbolt: empty noise or idle threat (W) bruxomania (n.) - the habit of unconsciously grinding the teeth, especially in sleep, or under stress (B) bumbledom (n.) - the world of petty and incompetent officials bumfodder (n) - toilet paper; an opprobrious name for a collection of documents bumbledom (n.) - the world of petty and incompetent officials) buncombe (n.) - empty, insincere speechmaking (G) burke (v.) - to smother people in order to sell their bodies for dissection (B) bushwah (n.) - something poor, mean, contemptible (B) bustluscious (adj.) - having or characterized by shapely mammalia, usually of substantial size; stacked (by e. e. cummings) (G) cacation (n.) - excretion (B) cacemphaton (n.) - a harsh-sounding word or phrase (B,W) cacestogenous (adj.) - caused by unfavorable home environment (B) cachinnation (n.) - loud or immoderate laughter (B,G) cacique (n.) - a slightly pompous person (B) cacodoxical (adj.) - heretical (B) cacoethes (n.) - a mania or bad habit (B) cacoethes carpendi - a mania for fault-finding (W) cacoethes loquendi - a mania for talking (W) cacoethes scribendi - the compulsion to write (W) cacogen (n.) - a anti-social person (B) cacology (n.) - bad pronunciation; impropriety of wording or unacceptable diction (W) cacophenism (n.) - an unfairly harsh or derogatory word or description (B) cacophrenic (adj.) - pertaining to an inferior intellect (B) cacotechny (n.) - a corrupt state of art (B) cacozelia (n.) - studied affectation in diction or style, as in a speech filled with pedantic Latinisms and inkhorn words (W) cadge (v.) - to hawk or peddle, as fish; or to beg, sponge or fleece (G) cadit quaestio - the investigation drops: the argument or case collapses; that dispenses with the issue (W) caducous - fleeting; transient; unenduring (G) cagamosis (n.) - unhappy marriage (B) cainophobia (n.) - abnormal dislike of novelty or innovation caitiff (adj.) - base; despicable; cowardly; wicked (B,G) calascent - increasing in warmth (G) calcographer (n.) - one who draws with crayons (B) calepin (n.) - a dictionary, esp. a polyglot dictionary (W) caliginous (adj.) - obscure; dim; misty; dark (B,G) callipygous (or callipygian) (adj.) - having shapely buttocks (B,) callithumpian (n.) - a noisy demonstration (B) callomania (n.) - the delusion that one is beautiful (B) canard (n.) - a groundless and hence false report, esp. one deliberately fabricated and spread; specious anecdote (W) canoodle (v.) - to caress (B) cantabank (n.) - second-rate ballad singer (B) capernoited (adj.) - tipsy, lightly pifflecated, slightly nimptopsical (B) caprylic - of or pertaining to an animal odor (G) captation (n.) - trying to cadge acceptance by flattery (B,W) captious (adj.) - intended to confuse or artfully entangle in argument; deceptive or sophistical (W) carking - distressing; annoying; perplexing (G) carminative (adj.) - pertaining to farting (B) carriwitchet (n.) - an absurd, riddling question, somewhat of a hoax; teasing quibble; pun (W) castrophrenia (n.) - the belief that one's thoughts are being stolen by enemies (B) casuistry (n.) - the determining of right and wrong in matters of conduct or conscience, or the applying or principles of ethics, particulary in instances that are complex or ambiguous; false, deceptive reasoning about law or morals (W) catachresis (n.) - incorrect use of a word or phrase, especially from any etymological misunderstanding (B) catacosmesis (n.) - an ordering of words in descending order of importance; anticlimactic sequence in phrasing (rhetoric term) (W) catarolysis (n.) - cursing to let off steam (W) catawamptious (adj.) - fierce, destructive; or diagonal or crooked (B) catchpenny (adj.) - describing a book or publication existing solely for the ignorant or unwary; popular but superficial (W) caterwaul - wail, screech, or howl shrill, discordant sounds, like a cat; or quarreling like cats (G) causerie (n.) - a light and informal conversation; brief, conversational essay (W) cervesial (adj.) - pertaining to beer (B) ceteris paribus - all other things beings equal or remaining unchanged (W) charette (n.) - the eleventh-hour efforts of architecture students to solve their design-problem assignments; or applied more generally to other work with specific due dates (B) Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg (n.) - Indian name for a Massachusetts lake ("You fish on your side, I fish on my side, nobody fish in the middle.") (B) charientism (n.) - a gracefully veiled insult (B,W) chartulary (n.) - a book containing charters chasmophilous (adj.) - fond of nooks, crannies, crevices, and chasms (B) chef d'oeuvre - a masterpiece (W) cheimaphobia (n.) - abnormal fear or dislike of cold cherophobia (n.) - fear of gaiety (B) cherubimical (adj.) - drunk (B) cheval de bataille - war-horse: one's favorite subject or argument, often to a tiresome degree (W) cheville (n.) - an unnecessary word added to round off a sentence or complete a line of verse (W) chiasmus (n.) - the inverting of the second or latter of two phrases that would otherwise be parallel in form, e.g., "I like the idea; it's execution, I don't." (W) choplogic (n.) - absurdly convoluted, sophistical, or illogical argumentation; glib and specious reasoning (W) chorizontist (n.) - critic of Homeric literature who claims that the Iliad and Odyssey had different authors chrestomathy (n.) - a collection of choice literary pieces (B) chronique scandaleuse - a history or account that deals with the intimate lives, love affairs, intrigues, etc. of the great and famous, esp. a personal or eyewitness account (W) chronogram (n.) - an inscription containing the correlative date in Roman numerals (Man of sCience and huManity, bertrand russelL's eXample gIves life eXtra meaning = MCMLXIX or 1969, the year of Bertrand Russell's death) (B) chthonic - dwelling or reigning in the underworld as deities or as spirits; infernal; ghostly (G) circumbendibus (n.) - a roundabout process or story; circumlocution (W) circumforaneous (adj.) - wandering from market to market, or place to place (B) cisvestitism (n.) - wearing weird or inappropriate clothes (B) cittosis (n.) - an abnormal desire for strange foods (B) clamjamfry (n.) - the mob or rabble (Scottish) (B) cledonism (n.) - use of euphemisms for protection against the black magic perpetrated by plain words; the eschewing of unlucky words (B,W) cleocentric (adj.) - pertaining to the belief that fame is everything (B) clerihew (n.) - an amusing quatrain about contemporary notables (B) clinchpoop (n.) - a lout, jerk, clod, boor, slob, boob, fathead, sap (B) clinomania (n.) - excessive desire to stay in bed (B) clinquant (n.) - showy but valueless writing or literary effects; artistic tinsel (W) clishmaclaver (n.) chatter; gossip (Scottish) (W) clodpolish (adj.) - awkward (B) clyster (n.) - an injection into the anus; an enema (B) coarctation - the act of confining in a narrow space, or restriction of liberty codswallop (n.) - baloney or hot air; gammon or humbug (British) (W) coevalneity (adj.) - the state of being alike in age or duration cogger (n.) - a phoney flatterer (B) cogitabund (adj.) - meditative (B) colloquy (n.) - a conversation or dialogue; serious or formal conference (W) colluctation (n.) - conflict (B) colluvial (adj.) - pertaining to a mass of filth (B) collybist (n.) - a usurer or miser (B) collywobbles (n.) - pain or looseness in the bowels (B) colporteur (n.) - a peddler of religious tracts or books; a deceased writer of popular songs (W) colubrine (adj.) - snaky, sneaky, cunning (B) comatulid - having hair that is neatly curled (G) comitology - the study of the committee as a phenomenon (G) comity - courteous behavior, politeness, civility commentitious (adj.) - imaginary (B) commination (n.) - denunciation; threatening or cursing (B) comminatory - accusing publicly; denunciatory; threatening (G) commoratio (n.) - dwelling on a point by repeating it in different words (rhetoric term) (W) commorient (adj.) - dying together (B) complect (v.) - to connect together; intertwine (B) compotation (n.) - drinking togethe, usually to excess (B) comprachico (n.) - one who buys or sells children after first deforming them (Spanish) (B) comprobatio (n.) - complimenting one's judges or audience to gain their favor (rhetoric term) (W) compurgation (n.) - vindication; that which vindicates (B) comstockery (n.) - zealous censorship of books or art because of supposed immorality or salaciousness; literary prudery (W) conation (n.) - mental effort (B) concatervate (adj.) - heaped up (B) concettism - love of or use of literary conceits, intellectual analogies, or erudite comparisons (W) conciliabule (n.) - a secret meeting of plot-hatchers (B) concinnity (n.) - skill and harmony, esp. of style, in a literary work; elegant arrangement (W) concupiscence (n.) - strong appetite; excessive sexual desire (B) confabulate - converse in an informal, familiar way; chat (G,W) conflation (n.) - a combining or blending of two or more versions of a text; confusion or mixing up (W) consectaneous (adj.) - logical consequence; corollary (B) consensus gentium fallacy - the fallacy of arguing that an idea is true because most people believe it or because it has been said throughout history (W) consilience (n.) - a change happening or coincidence conspectus (n.) - a general survey or overview; synopsis or summary (W) conspissation (n.) - thickness; the act of thickening (B) conspurcate (v.) - to pollute; defile (B) constructio ad sensum - construction according to sense, or framing a sentence from word sense rather than by adhering to standard grammar (W) constuprate (v.) - to violate, to debauch (B) consuetude (n.) - custom, tradition (B) contemn - view with contempt, scorn, and disdain; despise (G) contortuplicate (adj.) - twisted back upon itself (B) contraremonstrant (n.) - a remonstrator against remonstrance (B) contrectation (n.) - handling; the love play preceding sexual intercourse; act of caressing someone, especially furtively or against their will (B) contumacy (n.) - a refusal to obey, or defiance contumely (n.) - rude, abrasive insult in speech or writing; vituperation or scornful candor (W) copoclephily (n.) - collecting key rings containing advertising coprolalia (n.) - the use of words relating to dirt or excrement (B) coprophemia (n.) - obscene language (B) coprophobia (n.) - abnormal fear of feces coryphaeus (n.) - a leader of a school of thought, a religious movement, a political party or group (E) costermongering (n.) - tampering with a great composer's orchestral of choral works (from Sir Michael Costa's tamperings with Handel) (B) costive - slow or stiff in the expression of opinions and in action and reaction generally (G) countercaster (n.) - a contemptuous word for a bookkeeper or accountant; a person dealing in numbers (B) coup de plume - stroke of the pen: a literary attack (W) coup d'essai - trial stroke: a trial or warmup piece; an effort serving as practice (W) covinous (adj.) - deceitful, conspiring (B) cozen - cheat; deceive; bequile by some paltry trick (G) crambe repetita - warmed-over cabbage: annoying repitition or a tiresome, harped-on old story (W) crapulous (adj.) - given to gross excess in drinking or eating; debauched intemperance (B,G) crassilingual (adj.) - thick-tongued (B) craven conditional - use of politely cautious or periphrastic subjunctives or catch phrases, e.g. constant resort to "on the one hand," "on the other hand" (W. Safire) (W) crepehangar (n.) - a gloomy person; a pessimist (B) crepuscular (adj.) - referring to dusk, twilight; sometimes shady in a wicked sense: "crepuscular sexual practices and tastes" cri de coeur - cry from the heart: an ardent, impassioned declaration, appeal or lament (W) cri de guerre - war cry: a martial motto or slogan, as used on a heraldic device (W) criticaster (n.) - an incompetent, inferior critic (B,W) crurophilous (adj.) - liking legs (B) crux criticorum - cross for critics: a riddle or puzzle for the critics (W) cui bono - to whose benefit: to what end or for what good (more strictly, "who stands to gain from this") (W) cumyxaphily (n.) - collecting match boxes cunctative (adj.) - tardy, dilatory (B) curiosa felicitas - agreeable style due to care; apt and elegant expressism; studied felicity (W) curlicism (n.) - literary indecency (W) currente calamo - with a running pen: fluidly or offhand (W) cyprian (adj.) - lecherous, licentious, and lewd (B) cypripareunia (n.) - sexual intercourse with a prostitute (B) dacrygelosis (n.) - condition of alternating laughing and crying (B) daedal (adj.) - ingeniously contrived or intricate; skillfully and artistically crafted (W) dasypygal (adj.) - having hairy buttocks (B) de omnibus rebus et quibusdam aliis - about everything and a few things besides: a remark about books that are rambling and wordy (W) de profundis - out of the depths: an expression of profound sorrow or misery; agonized plaint or lament (W) deblaterate (v.) - to babble (B) decoct - extract the essence of flavor of, as by boiling (G) decollate (v.) - to behead (B) decussate (v.) - to make an X; intersect (B) defalcate (v.) - to embezzle (B) defeneration (n.) - usury (B) defenestration - the act of throwing a thing or person out of a window (G) dehortatory (adj.) - dissuading (B) deictic (adj.) - proving directly; indicating or pointing to specifically, such as the pronouns 'that' and 'those' (W) deipnophobia (n.) - fear of dining and dinner conversation deipnosophist (n.) - a skillful dinner conversationalist (B) deja lu - already read: a sense of familiarity or recognition in something read (W) dejecture (n.) - excrement (B) delator (n.) - an informer or accuser (B) delectus (n.) - a book of passages from Greek and Latin authors used for study deliquesce - melt away; gradually dissolve (G) delirament (n.) - raving; a foolish story (B) delitescent (adj.) - hidden; inactive (B) deltiology (n.) - collecting picture postcards demiurge (n.) - a secondary god who (a) created evil; (b) created the material world (B) demophobe (n.) - a people-hater (B) dentiloquist (n.) - one who speaks with clenched teeth (W) deorsumversion (n.) - a turning downward (B) deosculate (v.) - to kiss affectionately (B) depeculation (n.) - an embezzling of public funds (B) dephlogisticate (v.) - to make fireproof (B) deracinate - extirpate; eradicate; abolish completely (G) derism (n.) - an expression of scorn or contempt (W) descant (n.) - a commenting or discussing at length, esp. with great interest or fervor (W) desiderata (n.) - list of books sought by a collector or library desidious (adj.) - slothful (B) desipient (adj.) - foolish, silly (B) despumate (v.) - to skim; to take the scum off (B) desquamate (v.) - to peel off (B) desuetude (n.) - disuse (B) devenustate (v.) - to deprive of beauty (B) devil's mass - indiscriminate cursing (W) diacope (n.) - the separation of a word by the interpolation of another or others, as in absogoddamlutely (B) diallage - concentration of several separate arguments upon a single point (rhetoric term) (W) dialogue des sourds - dialogue of the deaf: a discussion in which the participants pay no attention to one another's argument (W) dialysis - rational disposing of reasons for or against something; "dismembering" or reasoning away (rhetoric term) (W) diaskeuasis (n.) - editorial revision (B) diasyrm - arch disparagement, as by mocking praise (rhetoric term) (W) diatyposis - vivid presentation by means of exciting language (rhetoric term) (W) dicacity (n.) - oral playfulness; talkativeness (B) dichaeologia - a defense of failure or disgrace, as by blaming extenuating circumstances, inadequate help, or betrayal by friends (see Nixon) (rhetoric term) (W) dictum de dicto - saying from a saying: a secondhand report, hearsay (W) didactic - overburdened with moral emphasis, therefore dull, pompous (an autodidact is a self-taught person) diffugient (adj.) - scattering (B) dilogical (adj.) - ambiguous; having a double meaning (B) dilogy (n.) - equivocal expression (not due to syntax) in which there are two apparent meanings but only one of them ostensibly intended, e.g. "Friends--I know you too well to call you Ladies and Gentlemen..." (W) dimbox (n.) - the smoother-over of disputes, an expert at getting others to make up (E) dingbat (n.) - an ornamental piece of type used on a page, such as an asterisk or bullet (W) dingbatted maledicta (n.) - term for typographical symbols or punctuation marks to represent obscene language (Reinhold Aman) (W) dioristically (adv.) - in a distinguishing manner (B) diplasiasmus (n.) - the incorrect doubling of a singgle [sic] letter (B) dippoldism (n.) - beating or whipping school children (B) diremption (n.) - a violent or final separation (B) discalced - without shoes; barefoot; unshod (G) disceptation (n.) - controversy or argument discommode - disturb; annoy; put to inconvenience (G) disjecta membra - scattered members: disjointed quotations or fragments; verbal bits and pieces (W) disquisition - formal discussion, discourse dissemble - to pretend, to feign, to conceal one's true feelings through deception dissentaneous (adj.) - disagreeable; negative (B) distaff - women's work or domain; characteristic of or suitable for women (G) dithyrambic - any wild, frenzied, or emotional speech or writing divagate - to wonder or stray; or digress; deviate (G) divarication (n.) - a difference of opinion diversivolent (adj.) - looking for trouble or an argument (B) dixit (n.) - an unconfirmed, sometimes dogmatic statement (B) docta ignorantia - learned ignornace (W) dolorifuge (n.) - something that relieves sadness (B) dolus bonus - good deceit: in Roman and civil law, permissible bargaining and cunning in selling, as in the case of a merchant's overpraising of his products (W) dolus malus - evil deceit: in Roman and civil law, unlawful deceit or misrepresentation growing out of evil intent or malice (W) doppelganger - a person's ghostly counterpart and companion, or just a double generally (N) dontopedalogy - the aptitude for putting one's foot in one's mouth (coined by Prince Philip unwittingly for Spiro Agnew) (G) doxastic (adj.) - pertaining to opinion (B) dryasdust (n.) - a dull, pedantic speaker or writer (after "Dr. Jonas Dryasdust, a fictitious character to whom Scott dedicated some of this novels) (B) duckspeak (n.) - term for speech so unconscious, thoughtless and meaningless as to be a form of rote verbal noise; reflexive talk that is senseless, tautological, or otherwise asinine, however formal (G. Orwell) (W) dvandva (n.) - a compound word, neither element of which is subordinated to the other, as bitter-sweet (B) dysphemism (n.) - the use of a disparaging or disagreeable term as a substitute for a standard, inoffensive one, e.g. "old lady" for "girlfriend"; gratuitous derogatory expression (W) earwig (v.) - to pester with private persuasion, warnings, etc.; attempt to influence or insinuate oneself through flattery (W) ebberman (n.) - one who fishes below bridges (B) ebriection (n.) - mental breakdown from too much boozing (B) ebrious (adj.) - tending to overimbibe; slightly drunk (B) ecclesiolatry (n.) - an all-consuming devotion to the church (B) ecdemic (adj.) - of foreign origin (B) ecdemomania (n.) - compulsive wandering (B) ecdysiast (n.) - a stripper (H. L. Mencken) (B) echolalia (n.) - habitual or pathological repitition of others' words or remarks (B,W) echopraxia (n.) - a habit of mimicking people (B) echt (adj.) - genuine, authentic, the McCoy eclaircissement (n.) - clarification (B) eclipsis (n.) - omission of a grammatical element necessary to the full meaning of a sentence (W) ecmnesia (n.) - loss of recent memory with retention of earlier memories (B) ecphonesis (n.) - exclamation (W) edacious (adj.) - eats a lot; voracious (B) edea (n.) - the external genitals (B) edipol (n.) - a mild oath (B) edulcorate (v.) - to sweeten or purify (B) eesome (adj.) - pleasing to the eye (B) effictio - personal description, as a head-to-foot catalogue of one's outward appearance (rhetoric term) (W) effiguration - elaborate, detailed description of an object or an event (rhetoric term) (W) efflation (n.) - an emanation; a puff (B) effleurage (n.) - a gentle rubbing with the palm of the hand (B) eidetic (adj.) - pertaining to the ability of visualizing something previously seen (B) eirenicon (n.) - a statement to bring into harmony or sythesize conflicting doctrines; articulated compromise or reconciliation (W) eisegesis (n.) - the interpreting of a text by sneaking in one's own ideas as the author's (B) eisteddfod (n.) - an annual assembly of Welsh poets and musicians (B) eldritch (adj.) - weird, eerie, ghastly (B) eleemosynary (adj.) - pertaining to charity; living on charity (B) elenchus (n.) - a refutation of an opponent's conclusion, esp. through a syllogistic proof of an alternative conclusion (W) eleutheromania (n.) - a mania for freedom (B) elucubrate (v.) - to work studiously (B) elumbated (adj.) - weak in the loins (B) elutriation (n.) - the process of purification by washing and straining embolalia (n.) - the use of virtually meaningless filler words, phrases, or stammerings (or so-called hesitation-forms) in speech, whether as unconscious utterings while arranging one's thoughts or as a vacuous, inexpressive mannerism (W) embrocation (n.) - lubricating or rubbing the body with liniment, oil, etc. (B) embulalia (n.) - inserting of nonsense into speech, as in schizophrenia (B) embusque (n.) - a shirker, a slacker (French = in ambush or hiding) (B) emenctae naris - of a wiped nose: of matured judgment; of nice discernment (W) emmenology (n.) - the study of menstruation (B) empleomania (n.) - a mania for holding public office (B) empressement (n.) - extreme politeness (B) enchiridion (n.) - a manual or handbook (B) enchorial (adj.) - native, endemic (B) en clair - in plain, uncoded language, as in unclassified military communication (W) endiablee (v.) - to put the devil into (B) energumen (n.) - a person supposedly possessed by an evil spirit; a fanatic (B) engastration (n.) - the stuffing of one bird inside another (B) enissophobia (n.) - fear of being reproached (B) enneatic (adj.) - occurring once every nine times, days, years, etc. (B) enosiophobia (n.) - fear of having committed an unpardonable sin (B) ensynopticity (n.) - the ability of taking a general view of something (B) entheomania (n.) - an abnormal state in which one thinks one is inspired (B) enthymeme (n.) - an argument (syllogism) or formulated conclusion in which a premise is understood but not stated, whether in reasoning, advertising, or humor, e.g., "He supports the nuclear freeze. He's warm to Communism." (W) entwicklungsroman (n.) - a novel dealing with the protagonist's character development from childhood to maturity (German) (B) eo ipso - by it itself: by that fact alone (W) eonism (n.) - acting and dressing like a woman (B) eosophobia (n.) - depression caused by fear of dawn (B) epagogue (n.) - method of induction where enumeration of particulars leads to the inferred generalization epanorthosis - correcting or retracting a statement even while making it, or thinking better of what one has begun to say (rhetoric term) (W) epenthis (n.) - insertion of a letter or syllable into a word for pronunciation ease (the b in mumble) (B) epexegetic (adj.) - providing additional explanation or clarification (B,G) ephebic (adj.) - of a youth just entering manhood (G) ephemeromorph (n.) - lower forms of life that defy animal or vegetable classification (B) epicaricacy (n.) - taking pleasure in others' misfortune (B) epicene (adj.) - 1. effeminate, unmanly 2. belonging to or partaking of the characteristics of both sexes (G) epicrisis - praising or disparaging by paraphrasing or citing somebody else (rhetoric term) (W) epideictic (n.) - for rhetorical or impressive effect; demonstrative or dramatic (B,W) epigones (n.) - followers who are less gifted, lesser lights, inferior imitators (W) epilegomenon (n.) - an added remark (B) epiphoric (adj.) - pertaining to a torrent of tears (B) epiplexis - asking a question as a form of reproach, or arguing that a sensible person must surely see the truth (rhetoric term) (W) episcopicide (n.) - the killing of a bishop (B) epistemophilia (n.) - abnormal preoccupation with knowledge (B) episyllogism (n.) - syllogism whose premises are the conclusions of preceding syllogisms epithymetic (adj.) - pertaining to appetite, sexual and otherwise (B) epitrope - conceding a point in an argument in such a qualified or ironic way as to make it seem unimportant or injurious to one's opponent, or to make one's opponent to butt of ridicule (rhetoric term) (W) epizeuxis (n.) - emphatic verbal repitition (B) equivoque (n.) - an ambiguous statement or passage, often intentionally evasive or phrased to have two possible interpretations (W) eremitism (n.) - the state of being a hermit or an attitude favoring solitude and seclusion ereption (n.) - the act of snatching away (B) erethism (n.) - excessive irritability or excitability (B) ergoism (n.) - fussy adherence to logical protocols or forms (W) ergotism (n.) - quibbling and wrangling; sophistical reasoning (variant of ergoism?) erigible (adj.) - capable of being erected (B) erinaceous (adj.) - pertaining to the hedgehog (B) eristic (adj.) - provoking strife or controversy or discord; (n.) the art of disputation erotographomania (n.) - mania for writing love letters (B) erotology (n.) - the description of methods of lovemaking; the science of love (W) errabund (n.) - wandering; erratic (B) errinophily (n.) - collecting of stamps other than postage stamps eructation - the action of voiding wind from the stomach through the mouth; belching (B,G) erythromania (n.) - mania for blushing eschrolalia (n.) - dirty (fecal) language (B) esemplastic (adj.) - forming, by imagination, disparate parts into a whole; aesthetically unifying (W) esprit de l'escalier - wishful thinking of a witty comment or retort that one should have made earlier; hindsight wit (W) estivate - to spend the summer (G) estrapade (n.) - a horse's attempt to dump its rider (B) esurient - hungry (E) greedy; avaricious; covetous (G) etat present - an exhaustive summary of up-to-date knowledge about a subject, as opposed to new information or original thought (W) ethnophaulism (n.) - an ethnic slur (B,W) etiolation (n.) - paleness of color due to illness or exclusion from light eucharistia - profuse praise as an expression of gratitude and confused emotion (rhetoric term) (W) eudaemonia (n.) - true happiness (B) euhemerism (n) - the theory that all myths are based on reality (B) eumoirous (adj.) - someone who is lucky or happy as a result of being good (B) eumorphous (adj.) - well-formed (B) euneirophrenia (n.) - peace of mind after a pleasant dream (B) eunym (n.) - a name that is suitable or appropriate (W) euphelicia (n.) - healthiness resulting from having all one's wishes granted (B) euphuistic (adj.) - displaying excessive elegance of language; high-flown and affected diction (G,W) eusystolism (n.) - the use of initials, instead of full words, in the interests of delicacy, e.g. SOB (W) euthymia (n.) - mental tranquility (B) evagation (n.) - mental wandering; digression (B) evancalous (adj.) - pleasant to embrace (Greek) (B) eventerate (v.) - to rip open; to open by ripping the belly (B) evulgate (v.) - to publish; divulge (B) ex animo - from the soul: form the heart, sincerely (W) ex cathedra - pronounced from the seat of authority or by the right of one's office, as by a papal declaration (W) ex concesso - reasoning on the basis of an opponent's premise or admission of something (W) ex nihilo - out of nothing: out of nowhere (W) ex parte - in part: from one side only or form but one point of view; partisan (W) ex professo - expressly or avowedly (W) ex silentio - from silence: basing an argument on the lack or absence of evidence, data, firm proof, etc. (W) exaugurate (v.) - to secularize; to desecrate (B) excerebrose (adj.) - having no brains (B) excrescent (adj.) - constituting an excess; superfluous; supernumerary (G) execration (n.) - contemptuous denunciation; express loathing; a curse (W) exegesis (n.) - explanatory comment, esp. the critical analysis and interpretation of a text (W) exemplum (n.) - a brief tale or anecdote offered to bolster an argument or suggest a moral, as in a medieval sermon (W) exenterate (v.) - to literally or figuratively disembowel (B) exergasia - repeating a point by using different figures of speech to give the impression of saying something new (rhetoric term) (W) exoculate (v.) - to put out the eye of (B) exoptable (adj.) - extremely desirable (B) exosculate (v.) - the kiss, esp. heartily (B) expatiate (v.) - to discourse at length or in detail; hold forth (W) expeditio - quickly rejecting or passing over minor points to come to the main point (rhetoric term) (W) expergefaction (n.) - an awakening (B) expiscate (v.) - to examine or discover skillfully (B) explaterate (v.) - to talk a lot (B) expostulate (v.) - to reason earnestly in order to demur, correct, or dissuade (W) exsibilate (v.) - to reject with a hissing sound (B) extradictionary (adj.) - consisting not in words, but in deeds (B) eyeservice (n.) - work done only when the boss is watching (B) facinorous (adj.) - extremely wicked; depraved; infamous (B,G) facon de parler - way of speaking: manner of expression (W) facundity (n.) - eloquence (B) fadaise (n.) - an obvious or silly remark (W) faineant (adj.) - lazy, indolent (B) famicide (n.) - a slanderer; a destroyer of one's reputation (B) famulus (n.) - the servant of a medieval scholar or magician (B) fanfaronade (n.) - bravado; braggadocio (B,W) farctate (adj.) - full; crammed; plethoric (G) farrago (n.) - a mixture of diverse objects, hodgepodge fartleberries (n.) - excrement clinging to the hairs around the anus (B) fastuous (adj.) - arrogant, stuck-up or showy (B) fatidic - foretelling the future; prophetic; divinatory (G) fatiferous (adj.) - destructive; deadly (B) faux naif - falsely simple or naive; feigning artlessness (W) favonian (adj.) - like the west wind; mild (B) feazings (n.) - an unraveled rope end (B) februation (n.) - exorcism; religious purification (B) fedifragous (adj.) - treacherous, deceitful (B) fefnicute (n.) - hypocrite; sneak (B) felicific (adj.) - producing happiness (B) fellness (n.) - destructive cruelty (B) feneration (n.) - usury (B) fenks (n.) - leftover whale blubber used as manure (B) feracious - productive of good results; fruitful (G) feriation (n.) - taking a holiday; not working (B) fescennine (adj.) - obscene; lewd; licentious; scurrilous (B,G) festination (n.) - walking faster and faster involuntarily (B) feuilletonistic (adj.) - pertaining to a feuilleton, or newspaper section devoted to literary trivia (B) fewterer (n.) - a dog-keeper (B) fico (n.) - giving the finger (B) fideism (n.) - depending on faith rather than reason (B) fidimplicitary (adj.) - fully trusting someone (B) filiopietistic (adj.) - pertaining to ancestor worship (B) filipendulous - hanging by a thread or string (G) fimblefamble (n.) - excuse, particulary a phony one (B) fimetarious (n.) - growing or living in excrement (B) finicalism (n.) - an conscious and occasionally affected fastidiousness and undue concern with trifles, especially those involving elegance fissilingual (adj.) - having a forked tongue (B) flabellation (n.) - fanning, or otherwise cooling someone (B) flagitate (v.) - to plead (B) flagitious - outrageous, flagrantly wicked, scandalous, vicious (B,E,G) flaneur (n.) - an intellectual trifler (W) flatulopetic (adj.) - pretentious, pompous, inflated (B) fleer (v.) - to laugh lecherously or derisively (B) flexanimous (adj.) - mentally flexible (B) floccify (v.) - to consider worthless floccilation (n.) - searching for imaginary objects (G) floccipaucinihilipilification (n.) - the action of estimating as worthless trivia (B) flummox - to confuse, perplex, or abash, always with the idea of shocking or victimizing (G) focillate (v.) - to comfort (B) folie a' deux - a shared psychosis or delusion, especially one passed from one to another (B) footle (v.) - to waste time, talk nonsense (B) forisfamiliate (v.) - to disinherit; to shed parental authority (B) formication (n.) - the feeling that bugs are crawling on you (B) ankylophobia (n.) - abnormal fear of stiff or immobile joints forslug (v.) - to lose or destroy by sluggishness (B) fossarian (n.) - a clergyman moonlighting as a gravedigger (B) foudroyant (adj.) - striking, as lightning; sudden, dazzling (B) framis (n.) - comic doubletalk blending actual words with made-up words (W) frampold (adj.) - peevish, touchy, quarrelsome (B) franion (n.) - the perennial hedonist, reveler (B) fremd (adj.) - alien, strange, unfriendly (B) fremescent (adj.) - an incipient murmur; becoming noisy (B) fribble (adj.) - of little value or importance; trifling; paltry (G) fricatrice (n.) - a whore (B) frotteur (n.) - someone who gets their kicks by rubbing against people in crowds (B) froward (adj.) - perverse; willfully contrary; obstinately disobedient; refractory (G) fructuous (adj.) - productive; fruitful; profitable (G) frustraneous (adj.) - vain, useless (B) fubsy (adj.) - short and stout (B) fucatory (adj.) - counterfeit; deceitful (B) fugacious (adj.) - fleeting; ephemeral; transitory; evanescent (G) fulgurant (adj.) - shining, dazzling fuliginous (adj.) - sooty (B) fulsome (adj.) - excessive or overdone to the point of being in bad taste or even at times nauseating fumacious (adj.) - fond of smoking (B,G) fumet (n.) - a flavoring agent for sauces; or deer shit (B) funambulist (n.) - a tightrope walker (B) funest (adj.) - harbinger of evil or death (B) funkify (v.) - to retreat fearfully (B) furacious (adj.) - thievish (B) furibund (adj.) - furious, enraged (B) furor loquendi - a passion to speak (W) furor scribendi - a passion to write (W) fussock (n.) - a big, fat woman (B) fustian (n.) - pompousness, pretentiousness fustigate (v.) - to beat; to criticize severely (B) fustilugs (n.) - a fat, unwieldy person (B) gaberlunzie (n.) - a wandering, or licensed, beggar (B) galactophagist (n.) - a milk drinker (B) galeanthropy (n.) - the delusion that one has become a cat (B) galericulate (adj.) - covered with a hat (B) galimatias (n.) - gibberish; confused, meaningless jargon (B) galliardise (n.) - great merriment (B) gallinaceous (adj.) - like a chicken or pheasant (B) gallionic (adj.) - indifferent; careless; irresponsible (B) galumph (v.) - to move or march along heavily or clumsily (coined by Lewis Carroll in "Through the Looking Glass"); or to prance in a self-satisfied, triumphant manner (G) galumptious (adj.) - tiptop; first-rate; superlatively good (G) gambrinous (adj.) - full of beer (B) gamophobia (n.) - fear of marriage (B) ganch (v.) - to execute by impaling on stakes or hooks (B) gapeseed (n.) - anything that causes stares; or someone who stares (B) garboil (n.) - confusion (B) gardyloo (n.) - a warning cry given before tossing slopes and garbage from the windows of old Edinburgh (B) gasconade (n.) - boasting; bravado (B) gawkocracy (n.) - persons who watch television (G) gawsie (adj.) - large and jolly; lusty (B) gazophylacium (n.) - a treasury (B) geck (n.) - an object of scorn; a dupe (B) geflugelte Worte - winged words: eloquent language; expressions that have traveled from one language to another (B) gelastic (adj.) - pertaining to or used in laughing (B) gelogenic (adj.) - laughter-provoking (B) geloscopy (n.) - determining someone's character or future by the way they laugh (B) gemebund (adj.) - a constant moaning (B) gemutlichkeit (n.) - agreeable, agreeableness; congeniality genethliacon (n.) - a birthday poem (B) genicon (n.) - a sexual partner imagined by one who is dissatisfied with their partner (B) gephyrophobia (n.) - fear of crossing bridges (B) gerascophobia (n.) - fear of growing old (B) geromorphism (n.) - condition of appearing older than one is (B) gestalt - configuration; perception of the whole ghoom (v.) - to hunt in the dark (Anglo-Indian) (B) giddhom (n.) - a frantic galloping movement made by cows when plagued with flies (B) gigmanism (n.) - the habit of narrowmindedness, or philistinism gilravage (v.) - to celebrate noisily; to go on a rampage (B) girning (v.) - act or process of contorting one's face; snarling (G) girouettism (n.) - frequently altering one's opinions or principles to follow trends glabrous (adj.) - free from hair or down; hairless; bald (G) glossolalia (n.) - nonsensical talk; gibberish (B) gnathonic (adj.) - falsely flattering; fawning; sycophantic; parasitic (G) gnomic (adj.) - full of aphorisms or maxims; or wise and pithy (G) gobemouche (n.) - a gullible person (B) godemiche (n.) - a dildo (B) gongoozler (n.) - an inquisitive idler who stares and gawks for prolonged periods at anything out of the ordinary (G) grammaticaster (n.) - a petty grammarian; a pretentious grammatical pedant (B) grammatolatry (n.) - worship of letters or words (B) grandgousier (n.) - a glutton; someone with an enormous gullet who will swallow anything (father of Rabelais's Gargantua (B) grandiloquence (n.) - lofty, extravagantly styled language (B) grandisonant (adj.) - stately sounding (B) grangerism (n.) - augmenting the illustrative material in a book with material not found in the original edition, or the mutilation of books to acquire illustrative material grapholagnia (n.) - a more than passing interest in obscene pictures (B) graphospasm (n.) - a writer's cramp (B) grassation (n.) - act of attacking violently; a lying in wait to attack (B) gratis dictum - an unsolicited or voluntary remark; mere assertion (B) gratulant (adj.) - expressing joy or satisfaction; congratulatory (G) graveolent (adj.) - having a rank smell; fetid; stinking (G) gravific (adj.) - that which makes heavy or produces weight (G) gregarian (adj.) - belonging to the herd or common sort (G) grinagog (n.) - a perpetual grinner (B) grivoiserie (n.) - lewd and lascivious behavior; a lewd act (B) groak (v.) - to watch people silently while they're eating, hoping they will ask you to join them (B) grobianism (n.) - rudeness; boorishness (B) growtnoul (n.) - a blockhead (A) grundyism (n.) - censorship of personal conduct based upon narrow and unintelligent conventionalism gugusse (n.) - a young, effeminate man who trysts with priests (B) gulosity (n.) - enormous appetite; greediness (B) gyascutus (n.) - a huge, imaginary, four-legged beast with legs on one side longer than on the other, enabling it to walk easily on hillsides (B) gymnophobia (n.) - fear of nudity (B) gynandry (n.) - hermaphroditism (B) gynecoid - of or like a woman (G) gyneolatry (n.) - worship of woman (B) gynotikolobomassophile (n.) - one who likes to nibble on a woman's earlobe (B) gyromancy (n.) - fortunetelling by walking in a circle until dizzy; the fortune is determined by where the person falls gyrovagues (n.) - monks accustomed to wander from monastery to monastery (B) habnab (adj.) - at random; hit or miss (B) habromania (n.) - extreme euphoria (B) hadeharia (n.) - constant use of the word 'hell' (B) haecceity (n.) - that which makes something different from anything else (B) hagborn (adj.) - born of a hag or witch (B) hagiarchy (n.) - government by religious types (B) hagiolatry (n.) - worship of saints (B) halieutics (n.) - fishing (B) hallucal - of or pertaining to the big toe (G) halotic (adj.) - easy to catch (B) hamartiology (n.) - the study of sin (B) hamartithia (n.) - mistake-prone (B) hamartophobia (n.) - fear of sin or sinning (B) haptodysphoria (n.) - unpleasant sensation felt by some people when touching peaches, cotton, or similar surfaces (B) harageous (adj.) - rough and bold (B) harpaxophobia (n.) - fear of robbers or of being robbed (B) harpocratic (adj.) - relating to silence (B) haruspex (n.) - a fortuneteller who used animal innards and lightning for her predictions (B) heautontimorumenos (n.) - masochist (title of a play by Menander) (B) hebdomadal (adj.) - once every seven days; weekly (G) hebesphalmology (n.) - study of juvenile delinquency (B) hebetude (n.) - dullness, stupidity (B) heliolater (n.) - a sun worshipper (B) helminthophobia (n.) - fear of being, or becoming, infested with worms (B) hemeraphonia (n.) - able to speak only at night (B) hemerobaptism (n.) - the practice of daily ceremonial baptisms or ablutions by ancient Jewish and early Christian sects henism (n.) - the theory that existence is a single principle (B) hesperian (adj.) - of the west; western; occidental (G) hesternopothia (n.) - a pathologic yearning for the good old days (B) hesychastic (adj.) - soothing, calming, as some ancient Greek music (from the Hesychasts, fourteenth century Eastern mystics who contemplated their navels, seeing therein the Divine Light) (B) hetaerism (n.) - extra-marital sex; communal marriage (B) heterochthonous (adj.) - foreign (B) heterophemy (n.) - Freudian slipsism (B) heterotelic (adj.) - existing for an outside or extraneous purpose (B) hierofastidia (n.) - dislike of holy things (B) hieromachy (n.) - a fight between men or owmen of the cloth (B) hindermate (n.) - a mate who is a hindrance (B) hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian (adj.) - pertaining to a very, very long word (B) hircismus (n.) - stinky armpits (B) hirsutorufous (adj.) - red-haired (B) hobberdehoy (n.) - a youth entering manhood (B) holmgang (n.) - a duel fought on an island (B) holophrasis (n.) - a whole phrase or idea expressed in one word (B) honorificabilitudinitatibus (n.) - with honorablenesses (longest word in Shakespeare) (B) horapthia (n.) - a neurotic preoccupation with one's youth (B) horripilation (n.) - bristling of the hair on the skin; gooseflesh (G) horrisonous (adj.) - sounding very bad; horribly discordant (G) hotspur (n.) - a hotheaded, impetuous man (from Hotspur in Shakespeare's "Henry V") (B) hoydenism (n.) - ill-bred, boisterous, or tomboyish behavior in a woman hubristic (adj.) - insolent; contemptuous; wantonly arrogant (G) humicubation (n.) - lying on the ground in penitence (B) hunkerousness (n.) - opposition to progress; old-fogyism (B) hygeioloatry (n.) - health fanaticism (B) hypengyophobia (n.) - fear of responsibility (B) hyperhedonia (n.) - abnormal pleasure from doing ho-hum things (B) hypnagogic - inducing sleep (G) hypnopompic - dispelling sleep; waking (G) hypobulia (n.) - difficulty in making decisions (B) hypophobia (n.) - lack of fear (B) iatromisia (n.) - dislike of doctors (B) ichnogram (n.) - a footprint (B) ichthyomancy (n.) - fortunetelling with fish offal iconolagny (n.) - sexual stimulation from pictures or statues (B) idee fixe - a fixed, obsessive idea; unyielded notion, conviction or focus (W) idem per idem - the same by the same: describing an allusion, illustration, or reference that adds nothing to the understanding of a matter (W) idem sonans - sounding the same: the principle in law that the misspelling of a word or name in a case, contract, etc., does not invalidate the document (W) idiolalia (n.) - mental state characterized by use of invented language (B) ideopraxist (n.) - one who puts ideas into practice (B) idioticon (n.) - a dialect dictionary (B) idoneous (adj.) - apt; suitable (B) ignavia (n.) - idleness; laziness (B) ignoratio elenchi - ignorance of the refutation: the fallacy of arguing astray from the point at issue; stressing or 'proving' what is irrelevant (W) ignoscency (n.) - forgiveness; a forgiving nature (B) ignotum per ignotius - the unknown (explained) by means of the more unknown: an annoyingly obscure explanation (W) illachrymable (adj.) - unable to cry (B) illaqueate (v.) - to catch or trap (B) illeism (n.) - affected or excessive use of the third-person pronoun 'he' or 'one', esp. in reference to oneself (W) illicitator (n.) - an auctioneer's shill (B) illocutionary (adj.) - pertaining to or describing an utterance that, reflecting the speaker's emotions, conveys more or something other than its literal meaning, such as a question implying dissatisfaction (W) illutation (n.) - a mud bath (B) imbonity (n.) - lack of good qualities (B) immarcescible (adj.) - indestructible (B) immerd (v.) - to cover with excrement (B) immorigerous (adj.) - rude, boorish (B) immund (adj.) - unclean; foul; filthy (G) impanation (n.) - cannibalistic doctrine of baking Christ into the Eucharistic cookie (B) impavid (adj.) - not afraid; fearless; undaunted (G) impeccant (adj.) - sinless (B) imperdible (adj.) - incapable of being lost (B) imperscriptible (adj.) - not supported or backed by written authority (British) (W) impinguate (v.) - to fatten (B) improcreant (adj.) - impotent (B) improlificate (v.) - to impregnate (B) impudicity (n.) - lack of shame or modesty in extenso - at full length (W) in invidiam - in ill-will or to excite prejudice (W) in malam partem - in bad part: in a bad sense (W) in media res - in the middle of the thing, or directly into the course of a story of plot without any preliminaries (W) inaniloquent (adj.) - loquacious, windy, garrulous (B) inconcinnity (n.) - unsuitableness; ineptitude (B) incondite (adj.) - crude, unfinished (B) incrassate (v.) - to make or become thick or thicker; to thicken; inspissate (G) increpation (n.) - criticism, censure (B) incruental (adj.) - bloodless (B) inculpate (v.) - to blame, accuse, incriminate (B) incunabula (n.) - extant books printed before 1500 A.D. indictum sit - let it be unsaid (W) indurated (adj.) - obstinate, hardened, unyielding, made unfeeling ineffable (adj.) - unable to be spoken, as though there were no words vile or low enough to express one's loathing ineluctable (adj.) - inevitable; irresistable (B) inenerrable (adj.) - indescribable (B) inexpugnable (adj.) - that cannot be taken by assault or storm; unconquerable; impregnable (G) inexsuperable (adj.) - insurmountable, impassable (B) infandous (adj.) - too horrible to mention, unspeakably awful (B) infibulation (n.) - sewing up the vulva or sewing down the foreskin to prevent sexual intercourse (B), or the process of confining with a buckle or padlock inficete (adj.) - dull, unfunny, deadly serious, humorless (B) infracaninophile (n.) - champion of the underdog (B) infralapsarianism (n.) - the doctrine that God foresaw and permitted the fall of man from grace and that His plan of salvation for some people followed and was a consequence of the fall (G) infucation (n.) - putting on make-up (B) ingannation (n.) - deception; fraud (B) ingeminate (v.) - repeat; reiterate; to emphasize by repetition (G) ingluvious (adj.) - gluttonous (B) ingravidate (v.) - to impregnate (B) ingustable (adj.) - tasteless (B) innascible (adj.) - without a beginning (B) inquinate (v.) - to corrupt (B) insalubrious (adj.) - unhealthy, deleterious (B) insapory (adj.) - tasteless (B) inspissated (adj.) - thickened, heavy, intense insuetude (n.) - state of disuse (B) insulse (adj.) - tasteless, flat, insipid (B) insusurration (n.) - whispering in the ear; insinuation (B) intempestive (adj.) - untimely; inopportune (B) inter alia - among other things (W) intercalation (n.) - an insertion or interposing, as of a word between other words in a sentence (W) interdigitate (v.) - to interlace the fingers (B) intergern (v.) - to snarl back (B) internecion (n.) - mutual destruction (B) interpellation (n.) - a formal questioning or challenging regarding an action or policy (W) intersilient (adj.) - suddenly emerging in the midst of something (B) intussusception (n.) - a taking within (B) inusitate (adj.) - obsolete (B) invidious (adj.) - likely to cause ill will, envy, discontent, resentment invita Minerva - Minerva being unwilling: without any natural talent or inspiration (W) invultuation (n.) - wishing death or injury on by melting a wax image, or sticking it with pins (B) ipse dixit - he himself has said (it): an unsupported assertion, or a presumption bearing no evidence of its truth or validity (W) ipsedixitism (n.) - dogmatism (B) ipsism (n.) - masturbation (B) ipsissima verba - the very words (W) iracund (adj.) - easily provoked, quick-tempered, irascible (B) irrefragable (adj.) - undeniable; indisputable; that cannot be refuted (G) irrefrangible (adj.) - that cannot or should not be broken; inviolable (G) irreptitious (adj.) - creeping stealthily (B) irrumation (n.) - fellatio (B) isagogic (adj.) - introductory (G) jacquerie (n.) - a revolt of peasants against the social classes above them jactancy (n.) - boasting, bragging (B) jactitation (n.) - loud or public bragging; or excessive twitching and restlessness (B) jaculative (adj.) - darting, sporadic (B) janissaries (n.) - any loyal submissive follower or supporter jape (v.) - to jest; jibe; play tricks (G) jejunator (n.) - one who fasts (B) jentacular (adj.) - pertaining to breakfast (B) jeremiad (n.) - a writing or speech in a strain of grief or distress; a lamentation (G) jiggery-pokert (n.) - low cunning or devious and underhanded behavior jobation (n.) - tedious criticism (B) jobbernowl (n.) - a blockhead (B) jocoserious (adj.) - a combination of funny and serious (B) jugulate (v.) - to check or suppress by extreme measures; or to cut the throat of (G) jumentous (adj.) - having a strong animal smell (B) junkettaceous (adj.) - frivolous, worthless (B) jus et norma loquendi - the law and rule of speaking: common usage (W) kakistocracy (n.) - government by the worst citizens (B) kakorrhaphiophobia (n.) - fear of failure (B) kalokagathia (n.) - a combination of the good and the beautiful in a person (B) kalon (n.) - the kind of beauty that is more than skin deep (B) kalopsia (n.) - condition where things appear more beautiful than they really are (B) kaput (adj.) - broken, wrecked, incapacitated, destroyed karimption (n.) - a crowd; a mass (B) kashruth (n.) - the state of being kosher (B) katabasis (n.) - a going down; descent; or a retreat, especially a military retreat (G) kathenotheism (n.) - polytheism with a head god (B) katowse (n.) - a ruckus, tumult, din (B) kauderwelsch (n.) - jargon; gibberish (German) (W) kedogenous (adj.) - produced by worry (B) kef (n.) - drug-induced tranquility (B) kenophobia (n.) - fear of empty or open spaces (B) keraunophobia (n.) - fear of thunder and lightning (B) keraunoscopia (n.) - fortunetelling by thunder (B) kerdomeletia (n.) - excessive attention to material wealth (B) kerlerap (v.) - to cavort; to play (B) kerygma (n.) - Christian preaching (B) kippage (n.) - commotion, confusion, excitement (B) kitsch (n.) - contemptuous characterization of sensational, slushy, slick writing or art designed for popular appeal kitthoge (adj. & n.) - left-handed or awkward; or a left-handed or awkward person (B) kneippism (n.) - treatment of disease by walking barefoot on wet grass, originate by Dr. [of divinity] Sebastian Kneipp (B) knipperdolling (n.) - a disciple of Bernhard Knipperdollinck, a German Anabaptist fanatic and polygamist; or any fanatic (B) knissomancy (n.) - fortunetelling by incense-burning (B) kombinationsfahigkeit (n.) - the way a medium picks up clues: by noting various involuntary reactions (B) kompology (n.) - braggadocio (B) kopophobia (n.) - fear of physical or mental exhaustion (B) kosmokrator (n.) - the ruler of the world (B) kreatophagia (n.) - the eating of raw meat (B) kwistgoed (n.) - a spendthrift (B) kymatology (n.) - the science of waves (B) labefy (v.) - to weaken (B) labeorphily (n.) - collecting beer bottle labels labile (adj.) - prone to change; unstable (G) laciniate (adj.) - fringed (B) laclabphily (n.) - the collecting of cheese labels lactivorous (adj.) - living on milk (B) lagnosis (n.) - satyriasis (B) lagotic (adj.) - having rabbitlike ears (B) lallation (n.) - pronunciation of "R" so that it sound like "L"; or baby talk or infantile utterance (W) lallophobia (n.) - fear of speaking (B) lalochezia (n.) - filthy talk to relieve tension (W) lampadomancy (n.) - fortunetelling with the flame of a torch (B) lamprophony (n.) - shining, ringing oratory (W) languescent (adj.) - becoming tired (B) laodiceanism (n.) - being indifferent in politics or religion lapsus calami - a slip of the pen; lapsus pennae (W) lapsus comicus - term for an amusingly truistic or tautological statement, a simple verbal confusion rather than a malapropism or mixed metaphor, e.g. "He looks so much older than he did when he was younger." (Willard Espy) (W) lapsus linguae - a slip of the tongue; lapsus loquendi (W) larrikinism (n.) - state of being noisy, rowdy or disorderly lassipedes (n.) - tired feet (B) lasslorn (adj.) - stood up by one's lady (B) latitidinarian (n.) - characterized by liberality in opinion or in action; tolerant in one's views (G) latrant (adj.) - snarling, complaining (B) lecanomancy (n.) - fortunetelling by looking at water in a basin (B) lecheur (n.) - a devotee of oral intercourse; a licker (B) leggiadrous (adj.) - graceful (B) leitmotif (n.) - a specific recurring theme or expression in a literary or musical work, in association with a particular idea, person, circumstance or emotion (W) lenity (n.) - being gentle or merciful lenocinant (adj.) - lewd (B) lentiginous (adj.) - full of freckles (G) leodicean (adj.) - lacking religious fervor; or lacking strong feelings generally; indifferent (G) leptologia (n.) - subtle speech or quibbling (W) leptodactylous (adj.) - having slender toes (G) lethiforous (adj.) - deadly; destructive (B) lethologica (n.) - inability to remember the right word (W) lethonomia (n.) - a propensity for forgetting names (W) levisomnous (adj.) - watchful (B) lexiphanicism (or lexiphantism) (n.) - priggish, over-Latinized writing; pretentious vocabulary or grandiose phraseology (W) limophoitos (n.) - insanity due to lack of food (B) limosis (n.) - a mania for eating chalk (B) lipsanography (n.) - the research and composition of treatises about relics litotes (n.) - understatement, irony or innuendo by use of a negative or inverted phrasing, i.e. "not bad" or "I'm not exactly displeased" (W) lobcock (n.) - a dull, sluggish lout; or a large, relaxed penis (B) locus classicus - a place of the highest class: illustrative, model passage from a literary work or classic that is commonly cited for its style, usage, etc. (W) locus communis - a public place: commonplace passage that is often quoted; cliche expression (W) loganamnosis (n.) - a mania to recall forgotten words (W) logicaster (n.) - a person pedantic in argument; a person whose logic is less valid than he thinks logodaedaly (n.) - verbal legerdemain, esp. in the imaginative or capricious coining of new words; word skill (W) logolept (n.) - a word maniac (B) logomachy (n.) - a dispute over words; semantic contentious getting away from issues or reality; dual wit opprobrious words (W) logomisia (n.) - disgust for particular words (W) logorrhea (n.) - protracted or uncontrollable talk; compulsive garrulousness (W) logrolling (n.) - the exchanging of favors, such as the writing of repiprocally flattering reviews; conniving literary cronyism or back scratching (W) longanimity (n.) - silent suffering while planning revenge (B) longinquity (n.) - remoteness (B) longueur (n.) - a long and tedious section of a book, play, etc. (W) lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphioparaome- litokatakaechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalli- okigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon (n.) - a goulash composed from the meals of the leftovers from the meals of the last two weeks, or hash (from Aristophanes' "The Ecclesiazusae") (B) loquaciousness (n.) - extreme talkativenss; garrulousness (W) lost positives - whimsically coined or archaic words of which only the negative or an inflected (prefixed) form is in common usage, e.g. 'ept' (from 'inept') (W) lovertine (adj.) - addicted to love-making (B) loxotic (adj.) - slanting, distorted (B) lubricity (n.) - the condition of being uncertain or unstable, or the capacity for reducing friction luciferous (adj.) - illuminating, literally and figuratively (B) lucriferous (adj.) - profitable, lucrative (B) lucripetous (adj.) - money hungry (B) luctation (n.) - a struggle for success (B) luctiferous (adj.) - sad and sorry (B) lucubration (n.) - to burn the midnight oil; suggesting pretentious, laborious study luculent (adj.) - readily understood; clear; lucid (G) lucus a non lucendo - an absurd word derivation; illogical explanation or non sequitur (W) ludibrious (adj.) - ludicrous; making fun of (B) ludibundness (n.) - playfulness (B) ludicropathetic (adj.) - ludicrous and pathetic (B) ludification (n.) - deriding (B) luftmensch (n.) - someone with his head in the clouds lupanariam (n.) - lubricious, lascivious, and lewd (B) lurgulary (n.) - the act of poisoning water (B) lutarious (adj.) - pertaining to, living in, or looking like mud (B) lycanthropy (n.) - insanity in which the patient thinks he's a wolf (B) lygophilia (n.) - love of darkness (B) lymacatexis (n.) - neurotic preoccupation with dirt (B) lypophrenia (n.) - a vague feeling of sadness, seemingly without cause (B) lyssophobia (n.) - fear of becoming mad (B) macarize (v.) - to make happy; to praise (B) macerate (v.) - to oppress; torment (B) macilent (adj.) - lean; thin (B) macrobian (adj.) - long-lived (B) macrology (n.) - excessive or repititious words or phrases (W) macromastic (adj.) - pertaining to large breasts (B) macrophobia (n.) - fear of long waits (B) macrosmatic (adj.) - having a supersensitive nose (B) macrosomatous (adj.) - having an abnormally large body (B) macrotous (adj.) - having large ears (G) mactation (n.) - sacrificial murder (B) maculate (adj.) - defiled; impure (G) madefy (v.) - to wet (B) magniloquence (n.) - grandly high-flown, lofty speech; pompous language (W) maieusiophobia (n.) - abnormal fear of childbirth maieutic (adj.) - of the Socratic method of bringing into full consciousness latent ideas or memories; intellectual midwifery (G) mala fide - in bad faith: falsely, deceitfully, or insincerely (W) malacissation (n.) - the process of making something soft and pliable (B) malacodermous (adj.) - soft-skinned (B) malapert (n.) - impudent, outspoken, lively (Shakespeare) (B) maliferous (adj.) - producing evil; unhealthy, as a climate (B) malism (n.) - the theory that the world is mostly bad (B) malneirophrenia (n.) - depress following a nightmare (B) malnoia (n.) - a vague feeling of mental discomfort (B) mammothrept (n.) - a spoiled child (B) mancinism (n.) - left-handed, or -sidedness (B) mangonize (v.) - to traffic in slaves (B) mania-a-potu (n.) - madness resulting from too much gargle (B) maniaphobia (n.) - fear of insanity (B) manipulandum (n.) - something that is to be manipulated (B) mansuetude (n.) - tameness, gentleness, mildness (B) mantology (n.) - fortunetelling; a fortuneteller (B) manubiary (ad.) - relating to the spoils of war (B) manumission (n.) - formal liberation of a slave (B) manustupration (n.) - masturbation (B) maquillage (n.) - make-up (B) marasmic (adj.) - of the gradual loss of flesh and strength; of a wasting of the body (G) marcescent (adj.) - withered, decayed, weak (B) margaritaceous (adj.) - pearly (B) maritodespotism (n.) - ruthless domination by a husband (B) marlish (adj.) - easygoing (B) marlock (v.) - to cavort, frolic (B) maschalephidrosis (n.) - massive sweating of the armpits (B) mastigophobia (n.) - fear of punishment (B) mastigophoric (adj.) - whip-wielding (B) mataeology (n.) - useless of pointless discourse; worthless conversation (W) mataeotechny (n.) - an unprofitable science or art (B) matripotestal (adj.) - pertaining to maternal control (B) mattoid (n.) - a congenitally insane person (B) matutolagnia (n.) - antemerdian sexual desire (B) matutolypea (n.) - getting up on the wrong side of the bed (B) maumetry (n.) - idolatry (B) mauvaise plaisanterie - an inappropriate or badly timed joke (W) mawkish (adj.) - characterized by sickly, weak sentimentality (G) mazomancy (n.) - fortunetelling by a nursing baby (B) mazophilous (adj.) - pertaining to mammary mania (B) meable (adj.) - capable of being easily penetrated (B) meacock (n.) - an effeminate or cowardly man (B) meadophily (n.) - study of beer bottle labels mechanomorphism (n.) - the doctrine that the universe is fully explicable in mechanistic terms (B) meconology (n.) - the study of opium and its effects (B) meconophagism (n.) - opium addiction (B) medicaster (n.) - a medical quack (B) megacephalous (adj.) - having a large head (B) megalonisus (n.) - a tendency to exaggerate (B) megalophobia (n.) - fear of large things (B) megalopsychy (n.) - generosity of spirit or magnanamity meiosis (n.) - rhetorical understatement, or representing something as less or more minor than it actually is as a form of ironic emphasis (W) melioration (n.) - an elevation or bettering: in language, a hitherto or otherwise derogatory word's acqiring a favorable meaning (W) melliloquence (n.) - euphonious speech; sweet talk (W) melissophobia (n.) - fear of bees (B) melomaniac (n.) - a music lover (B) mempsis - an impassioned but somewhat caustic supplication in which a pointed complaint is implied (rhetoric term) (W) menacme (n.) - the menstruating part of a woman's life (B) mendaciloquence (n.) - lying as a fine art; adroit prevarication (W) menticide (n.) - brainwashing (B) mentimutation (n.) - change of mind (B) mentulate (adj.) - well hung (B) mephitic - bad-smelling; noxious (G) meracious (adj.) - unadulterated, full-strength, pure (B) meraculous (adj.) - demi-dirty, slightly filthy (B) merdivorous (adj.) - eating dung (B) merism (n.) - a pairing of contrasted terms to express a totality, and thus form a synecdoche, e.g. "now and then" (W) merkin (n.) - female genitalia; or false pubic hair (B) merulator (n.) - a wine-bibber (B) metagnostic (adj.) - unknowable (B) metagrobolize (v.) - the mystify (B) metallege (n.) - spoonerism (B) metastasis - casual mention of a subject as if it were unimportant; responding to a person's criticism or insult with a riposte that uses or plays on his or her words (rhetoric term) (W) metempsychosis (n.) - alleged transmigration of souls (B) metheglin (n.) - mead (B) methionyl ... inylserine (n.) - the chemical name for tryptophan synthetase A protein, a 1,913-letter enzyme with 267 amino acids (anybody found a longer one?) (B) metonymy (n.) - the figurative or symbolic use of the name of one thing for that of another with which it is associated, or of an attribute for the whole, e.g. 'brass' for military officers (W) metoposcopy (n.) - judging character by studying the face (B) metromania (n.) - a mania for writing verse (B) miasmatic (adj.) - noxious, contagious, blechhy (B) microcephalous (adj.) - small-headed (B) microlipet (n.) - someone bothered by trifles (B) micrology (n.) - excessive attention to or discussion of details or minor differences; nitpicking (W) micturition (n.) - need for frequent urination (B) midden (n.) - a dunghill (B) migniard (adj.) - dainty, delicate; mincing (B) militaster (n.) - an insignificant military man (B) minatory (adj.) - portending punishment; threatening; menacing (G) minauderie (n.) - coquetry (B) minimifidianism (n.) - having almost no faith or belief (B) minimus (n.) - a tiny creature (B) mirabile dictu - wonderful to relate (W) misandry (n.) - dislike of men (B) misanthropy (n.) - hatred of mankind misapodysis (n.) - hatred of undressing in front of someone (B) misarchist (n.) - a person who hates authority (B) miserabile dictu - miserable to relate (W) miserotia (n.) - aversion to sex (B) misocainia (n.) - hatred of anything new or strange, such as new ideas (B) misocanpnist (n.) - a hater of tobacco smoke (B) misodoctakleidist (n.) - one who hates to practice the piano (B) misology (n.) - hatred of logical discussion or reason (W) misoneism (n.) - hatred of new things (B) misopedia (n.) - hatred of children, esp. one's own (B) misopolemiac (n.) - a war-hater (B) misoscopist (n.) - a hater of beauty; a recluse (B) misosophy (n.) - hatred of wisdom (B) misotramontanism (n.) - a hatred of the unknown (B) misoxeny (n.) - hatred of strangers (B) mithridatism (n.) - immunity to poison achieved by taking gradually increased doses (B) moanworthy (adj.) - lamentable, pitiful (B) mogigraphia (n.) - writers' cramp (B) moliminous (adj.) - massive; momentous (B) moloch (n.) - a system or method that requires frightful sacrifice (G) molysmophobia (n.) - fear of dirt or contamination (B) mome (n.) - a crashing bore; a buffoon (B) monorchid (adj.) - having one testicle (B) mordacious (adj.) - biting, acrid, caustic (B) mordant (adj.) - biting; caustic; cutting; sarcastic (G) morigerous (adj.) - obedient; obsequious (B) morology (n.) - deliberate nonsense of foolishness for effect (W) mot juste - the perfect, fitting word or phrase; precisely apt expression (W) mot propre - the correct or necessary word (W) motatorious (adj.) - constantly active (B) motitation (n.) - a quivering moment (B) mulct (v.) - to punish by means of a fine (G) mulierose (adj.) - extremely fond of women (B) multum in parvo - much in little: containing or suggesting much in few words; holophrastic (W) mumpsimus (n.) - an erroneous word or spelling that, through long usage, has become absorbed into the language; an incorrect manuscript reading blindly adhered to by some scholar; stubborn adherence to a mistaken verbal form in the face of correction (W) mundivagant (n.) - wandering over the world (B) musard (n.) - an absentminded dreamer, or fool (B) mutatis mutandis - the (necessary) changes having been made, or the relevant differences having been considered (W) mycterism (n.) - derision or sarcasm that is somewhat veiled; subtle or partly concealed gibe (W) myrmidon (n.) - a blindly loyal, though unscrupulous, factotum (B) mythomania (n.) - compulsively telling lies and believing them (B) nanism (n.) - dwarfishness (B) naology (n.) - the study of holy buildings (B) naprapathy (n.) - the manipulation of strained ligaments i the belief that they cause disease (B) nates (n.) - the buttocks (B) nattering (adj.) - grumbling, fault-finding, idle chatter naufragous (adj.) - causing shipwrecks (B) neanilagnia (n.) - a yen for nymphets (B) neanimorphism (n.) - looking younger than one's years (B) nebulaphobia (n.) - fear of fog (B) nebulochaotic (adj.) - chaotic, confused (B) necromimesis (n.) - feigning death; the delusion of being dead (B) necyomancy (n.) - fortunetelling by summoning lucifer (B) nefandous (adj.) - unmentionable, unspeakable (B) nefast (adj.) - wicked (B) nelipot (n.) - someone going barefoot (B) nemophilous (adj.) - loving the forest (B) neocracy (n.) - government by tyros (B) neologism (n.) - a newly coined word or phrase, or a novel expression in increasing usage; a new meaning for an old word (W) neomnesia (n.) - good memory for recent events (B) nephalism (n.) - teetotalism (B) nepheligenous (adj.) - producing clouds of tobacco smoke (B) neoteny (n.) - retention of juvenile characteristics in the adult nepotation (n.) - riotous living (B) nervus probandi - the strong point of the proving: crux of the argument (W) nescient (adj.) - uneducated, unaware, ignorant, and stupid (B) nettling (v.) - to irritate; vex; annoy (G) nictitate (v.) - to wink (G) nidorous (adj.) - smelling like burning or decaying animal matter (B) nihil ad rem - nothing to the matter: irrelevant (W) nihil obstat - nothing stands in the way: in Roman Catholocism, certification by an examining censor that a book contains nothing contrary to church doctrine in faith and morals; seal of approval (W) nikhedonia (n.) - pleasure derived from anticipating success (B) nimgimmer (n.) - a doctor who cures the clap (British slang) (B) nimiety (n.) - excess, redundancy, superfluity, pleonasm nimious (adj.) - extravagant (B) nimptopsical (adj.) - drunk (B) nimshy (n.) - a silly ass (B) nipperkin (n.) - amount of liquor roughly equivalent to a half pint (B) nippitatum (n.) - exceptionally good and strong ale (B) noctivagation (n.) - wandering around at night (B) non est disputandum - it is not to be disputed (W) non possumus - a statement of inability to do something (W) nosism (n.) - use of 'we' in speaking of oneself; conceit or self-exultation by a group (W) nostrificate (v.) - to accept as one's own (B) nothosonomia (n.) - calling someone a bastard (W) noumenon (n.) - an object implied by intuition rather than evidence, opposite of phenomenon (B) nubilate (v.) - to obscure (B) nuchal (adj.) - of the nape of the neck (G) nudis verbis - in naked words (W) nudiustertian (adj.) - pertaining to the day before yesterday (B) nugatory (adj.) - worthless, trifling, of no consequence nullifidian (adj.) - skeptical (B) nulliparous (adj.) - pertaining to a woman who has never foaled (B) numbles (n.) - edible deer innards (B) nummamorous (adj.) - money-loving (B) nuncupate (v.) - to declare orally (B) nychthemeron (n.) - a twenty-four-hour period (B) nympholepsy (n.) - trance incurred by erotic daydreams (B) obumbration (n.) - the act or process of darkening or obscuring obambulate (v.) - to walk about, wander (B) obdormition (n.) - numbness caused by pressure on a nerve (B) obduracy (n.) - being obstinate or hardhearted obganiate (v.) - to irritate with reiteration (B) objurgation (n.) - an earnest denunciation, rebuke, or scolding; harsh criticism (W) oblatrate (n.) - to snarl at, inveigh against (B) oblectation (n.) - delight, pleasure (B) oblocution - interruption (A) obloquy (n.) - the state of bad repute borne by one being harshly criticized; abusive condemnation (W) obnubilation (n.) - beclouding or obscuring; obfuscation (W) obreption (n.) - creeping up on (B) obsecrations (n.) - entreaties (A) obscurum per obscurius - explaining the obscure by means of the more obscure (W) obsolagnium (n.) - waning sexual desire due to age (B) obstrobogulous (adj.) - a vehement oath of expansive meaning (G) obtund (adj.) - serving to blunt, dull or deaden (G) ochlocracy (n.) - mob rule (B) odium aestheticum - the bitterness of aesthetical controversy (W) odium scholasticum - acrimony between scholars or pedants; academic quibbling (W) odium theologicum - bitter hatred between rival theologians (W) oeillade (n.) - an ogle, a flirtatious glance (B) oikofugic (n.) - obsessive wandering (B) oikonisus (n.) - urge to start a family (B) olamic (adj.) - infinite, eternal (B) olet lucernam - it smells of the lamp: describing something written that is belabored or overwrought (W) oligophrenia (n.) - feeble-mindedness (B) olisbos (n.) - a dildo (B) omadhaun (n.) - an idiot, fool (B) ombibulous (adj.) - drinking everything (B) omnilegent (adj.) - reading or having read everything; having encyclopedia curiosity and knowledge (W) omphalomancy (n.) - predicting the number of children a mother will bear by counting the knots in her first-born's umbilical cord (B) omphalopsychites (n.) - term for literary Anglophiles who wish American English to emulate or ape British English (H. L. "" Mencken) (W) omphaloskepsis (n.) - contemplation of the navel for the purpose of obtaining philosophic calm (G) oneirataxia (n.) - inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality (B) oneiric (adj.) - having to do with dreams (E,G) oniochalasia (n.) - buying as a means of mental relaxation (B) onolatry (n.) - ass-worship (B) onomastic (adj.) - pertaining to a proper name or names (W) onomatomania (n.) - preoccupation with words and names (B) onomatophobia (n.) - fear of hearing a certain word (B) onomatopoeia (n.) - the forming of or use of a word that imitates in sound what it denotes; use of imitative or echoic words (W) onus probandi - the burden of proof (W) operose (adj.) - involving much labor; laborious (G) ophelimity (n.) - the ability to please sexually (B) oppugnant (adj.) - opposing; antagonistic; contrary (G) ophthalmophobia (n.) - fear of being stared at (B) opiparous (adj.) - sumptuous (B) oppilations (n.) - obstructions (A) opsablepsia (n.) - not looking into another's eyes (B) opuscule (n.) - a minor composition or work (W) oratio obliqua - indirect speech: reported speech, or relating by another that is modified and indirect (W) oratio recta - straight speech: actual or direct speech (W) orchidectomy (n.) - castration (B) ore rotundo - with a round mouth: eloquently, with considered emphasis (W) orgulous (adj.) - proud and haughty; swelling (G) orismology (n.) - the science of defining or explaining technical terms (W) osseocarnisanguineoviscericartilaginonervomedullary - the structure of the human body (coined by Thomas Love Peacock in "Headlong Hall") (G) otiose - futile, functionless, sterile, idle oubliette (n.) - a secret place of imprisonment, usually with only one opening and that at the top, as found in some old castles outrecuidance (n.) - egomania; gross conceit (B) overweening - excessively proud; arrogant; conceited; or exaggerated; excessive (G) oxythymous (adj.) - quick-tempered; easily riled (B) pachycephalic (adj.) - thick-skulled (B) pageism (n.) - masochism fantasy of a man imagining himself as servant to a beautiful woman (B) pagophagia (n.) - eating a tray of ice daily for two months to help offset iron deficiency (B) paideutics (n.) - pedagogy (B) paizogony (n.) - love play (B) paleomnesia (n.) - good memory for events of the far past (B) palimpsest (n.) - a piece of parchment or vellum from which earlier writing has been removed to allow for reuse palinode (n.) - a song or poem retracting statements in previous songs or poems; or retraction or recanting in general (B) palinoia (n.) - compulsive repitition of an act until it's perfect (B) palladian (adj.) - pertaining to learning and wisdom (B) palliards (n.) - professional beggars whose parents were also beggars and who use trickery to arouse sympathy (B) palpebrate (v.) - to wink (B) paltripolitan (n.) - an insular city dweller (B) pandiculation (n.) - stretching and yawning (B) panjandrum - a self-important local official; pompous minor magnate (G) pannychous (adj.) - lasting all night (B) pantagruelian (adj.) - satirical, though ribald (B) pantaraxia (n.) - actions aimed aat keeping people on their toes pantophobia (n.) - a fear of everything (B) paphian - pertaining to love, especially its sexual and illicit manifestations; erotic (G) paracoita (n.) - a female sexual partner (B) paracoitus (n.) - a male sexual partner (B) paradiastole (n.) - a euphemistic half-truth (B) paraenetic - advisory; hortatory (G) paralepsis (n.) - mentioning something by saying you won't mention it (B) paralipomena (n.) - deleted passages from a book, or a supplement containing them paralipophobia (n.) - fear of responsibility (B) paralogism (n.) - reasoning method that contradicts logical rules, especially via faulty syllogisms parerethesis (n.) - abnormal excitement (B) pareunia (n.) - sexual intercourse (B) parisology (n.) - deliberate ambiguity in use of words (B) parnel (n.) - a priest's mistress; a loose woman (B) paronomasia (n.) - punning; a pun (B) parorexia (n.) - perverted appetite; demanding strange foods (B) parrhesia (n.) - freedom of speech (rhetoric term) (B) partheniad (n.) - a poem in honor of a virgin (B) parthenolatry (n.) - virgin worship (B) parvanimity (n.) - pettiness; meannes; or a mean or petty person (B) parvenu (n.) - a pretentious snob of the nouveau riche (B) parviscient (adj.) - uninformed (B) pasilaly (n.) - a universal language (B) pasquinade - a lampoon or satire posted in a public place (G) passalorynchite (n.) - a member of an early Christian sect who to a vow of perpetual silence (B) passepartout (n.) - a master key; a safeconduct or passport (B) patavinity (n.) - the use of local words or expressions (B) patharmosis (n.) - mental adjustment to one's disease (B) pathic (n.) - a catamite; or a passive participator (B) pathocryptia (n.) - unwillingness to believe in or talk about one's illness (B) pathodixia (n.) - talking to excess about one's illness and flaunting its signs (B) pathognomy (n.) - the study of emotions by their outward signs (B) pathomimesis (n.) - malingering (B) patzer (n.) - a weak chess player (B) pauciloquent (adj.) - speaking briefly (B) pavid - quaking with fear; afraid; frightened (G) peccable (adj.) - liable to sin (B) peccatophobia (n.) - fear of sinning or of having committed an imaginary crime (B) peckerwood (n.) - a poor southern Anglo-Saxon Protestant (B) pecksniffian (adj.) - hypocritical, insincere and gutless (B) pecos (v.) - to shoot a man and roll his body in the river (B) peculation (n.) - embezzlement (B) pedetentous (adj.) - proceedilng gradually or cautiously (B) peirastic (adj.) - experimental; ready to be tried (B) peladophobia (n.) - fear of baldness pelology (n.) - study of mud and its therapeutic applications (B) penelopize (v.) - to undo and redo to gain time (B) penisterophily (n.) - raising and training pigeons penotherapy (n.) - regulating prostitutes to control venereal disease (B) pentapopemptic (n.) - divorced five times (B) pentheraphobia (n.) - fear or dislike of one's mother-in-law (B) peotomy (n.) - the surgical amputation of the penis (B) perduellion (n.) - treason (B) perendinate (n.) - to postpone until the next day; to postpone indefinitely perfectibilism (n.) - belief that anything short of perfect is unacceptable perfrication (n.) - thorough rubbing (B) perhiemate (v.) - to spend the winter (B) perichareia (n.) - excessive and violent rejoicing (B) periclitate - to expose to peril; endanger; risk (G) periphrastic - using many words when few would do; verbose; roundabout; circumlocutory (G) perissotomist (n.) - a knife-happy surgeon (B) peristrephic (adj.) - turning around, rotatory (B) perlustrate (v.) - to review thoroughly; survey (B) pervicacious (adj.) - extremely obstinate; willful (B) pervulgate (v.) - to publish (B) petalism (n.) - banishing a citizen for five years if judged guilty of dangerous influence or ambition; practiced in ancient Syracuse pettifoggery - quibbling over petty details petulcous (adj.) - butting like a ram; offensively aggressive (B) phagomania (n.) - insanely hungry (B) phalacrespia (n.) - aversion for baldness, or for bald men (B) phalacrosis (n.) - baldness phallation (n.) - movement of the penis in sexual intercourse (B) phaneromania (n.) - a compulsion to pick at a skin growth or imperfection (B) pharisaical - of persons of rigid adherence to outward forms and rituals instead of to the true spirit (E,G) phatic - establishing an atmosphere of sociability rather than communicating ideas philalethe (n.) - one who loves to forget (B) philauty (n.) - self-love; selfishness (B) philematology (n.) - the study of kissing (B) philematophobe (n.) - a woman who dislikes kissing (B) philobiblist (n.) - a lover of books philocalist (n.) - a lover of beauty (B) philodox (n.) - one who loves one's own opinions (B) philogastric (adj.) - greedy (B) philophobia (n.) - fear of falling in love or of being loved (B) philopolemic (adj.) - pertaining to love of argument or controversy (B) philopornist (n.) - a lover of prostitutes (B) philosophastering (adj.) - pseudo-philosophizing (B) philotheoparoptesism - the process of slowly cooking those who have suffered the church's displeasure (coined by Thomas Love Peacock in "Maid Marian") (G) philoxenist (n.) - one who is happiest while entertaining strangers (B) phrontifugic (adj.) - relieving anxiety (B) physagogue (n.) - carminative, or medicine to induce farting (B) piacular - serving to atone or make amends for; expiatory; or sinful; wicked (G) pickthank (n.) - a flatterer or sycophant (B) piliferous - having hair (G) piloerection (n.) - hair standing on end (B) pilpulist (n.) - one who uses Talmudic dialectic or, via extension, a subtle reasoner pinchbeck - sham or spurious; false (G) pinguescent - becoming fat (G) pithiatism (n.) - a forceful suggestion (B) pizzle (n.) - a whip made from an animal's penis (B) planistethic (adj.) - flat-chested (B) planomania (n.) - urge to live a bohemian life (B) platitudinarian (n.) - full of platitudes (B) platypod - one afflicted with fallen arches (G) plebicolist (n.) - someone who woos the common folk (B) pleionosis (n.) - exaggeration of one's own importance (B) pleniloquence (n.) - excessive talking (B) pleonastic - use of words superfluously; redundant (G) pleonexia (n.) - covetousness, avarice; mania for acquiring possessions (B) plerophory (n.) - state of full confidence or absolute certainty pococurante (adj.) - nonchalant, indifferent (B) poculation (n.) - wine-bibbing (B) podobromhidrosis (n.) - smelly feet (B) poecilonymy (n.) - the use of several names for one thing (B) pogonology (n.) - treatise on beards pogonophobia (n.) - abnormal fear or dislike of beards poiesis (n.) - creation; creative power or ability (B) poikilothymia (n.) - extreme changes of mood (B) polychrestic - serving and adapted for several different uses (G) polyhistor (n.) - a universal scholar (B) polylogy (n.) - wordiness (B) polydipsia (n.) - extreme thirst or an abnormal and continuous craving for drink popination (n.) - bar-hopping (B) popliteal - pertaining to or connected with the hollow area back of the knee (G) pornerastic (adj.) - licentious, lascivious, lewd and horny (B) pornolagnia (n.) - desire for prostitutes (B) potvaliant - valiant and courageous as a result of being drunk preantepenultimate (n. & adj.) - fourth from last (B) preterist (n.) - someone whose main pleasure in in reliving the past (B) priapean (adj.) - phallic (B) priapism (n.) - persistent and painful erection (B) procrustean - aiming or tending to produce uniformity by violent or arbitrary means (G) proctalgia (n.) - a pain in the ass (B) proditorious (adj.) - traitorous; prone to give away secrets (B) prolepsis (n.) - anticipating an argument and answering it before it can be made prolix - verbose, repititious, protracted, unduly prolonged, long-winded pronovalence (n.) - ability to have sexual intercourse in a prone position only (B) propaedeutic - of or pertaining to preliminary instruction; introductory (G) prosonomasia (n.) - use of a humorous modification of a person's name (B) prosophobia (n.) - fear of or adversion to progress (B) prosopolepsy (n.) - judging people favorably from their looks (B) prosopopy (n.) - the personification of inanimate objects (B) protervity (n.) - petulance; peevishness (B) psaphonic (adj.) - planning one's rise to fame (B) pseudandry (n.) - female use of a male pseudonym (B) pseudautochiria (n.) - murder disguised as a suicide (B) pseudoantidisestablishmentarianism (n.) - phony opposition to the withdrawal of state support from an established church (B) pseudogyny (n.) - male use of a female pseudonym (B) pseudologist (n.) - liar (B) pseudomnesia (n.) - memory for things that never happened (B) pseudophonia (n.) - suicide disguised as murder (B) psilology (n.) - empty talk (B) psilosopher (n.) - a superficial philosopher (B) psittacistic - speaking in a mechanical, repetitive way (G) psychasthenia (n.) - neurotic lassitude, indecision, doubts, tics and phobias (B) pteronophobia (n.) - abnormal fear of feathers pudency (n.) - modesty or shyness; embarassment puerile - childish, immature, unworthy of an adult pullulate - teem, swarm purulent - of, containing, or discharging pus; suppurating (G) pygophilous (adj.) - buttock-loving (B) pyrolagnia (n.) - sexual stimulation from watching fires (B) quaintise (n.) - ingenuity, cunning; a trick or stratagem (B) quakebuttock (n.) - a coward (B) qued (adj.) - evil, bad (B) querimony (n.) - a complaint (B) quidam (n.) - an unknown person (B) quiddity (n.) - the essence or nature of a thing (B) quidnunc (n.) - one who is curious to know everything that is going on; a gossip (B) quisquillian (adj.) - trashy (B) quisguous (adj.) - perplexing (B) quodlibet (n.) - a nice or fine point in an argument; a subtlety quodlibetarian (n.) - one who discusses or uses quodlibets rabiator (n.) - a violent man (B) rabulism (n.) - tendency for railing and quibbling rackrent (n.) - exorbitant rent (B) rakehelly (adj.) - dissolute, debauched (B) ramfeezled (adj.) - worn out, exhausted (B) rammish (adj.) - lustful and horny (B) ranarium (n.) - frog farm (B) randle (n.) - a nonsensical poem recited by Irish schoolboys as an apology for farting at a friend rantallion (n.) - one whose scrotum is longer than his penis (B) rantipole (n.) - a wild, rambunctious young man (B) realpolitik - practical politics; euphemism for power politics rebarbative (adj.) - grim, unattractive, forbidding, repellent reboantic (adj.) - reverberating (B) recension (n.) - scholarly editorial revision (B) receptary (adj.) - accepted as fact but unproved (B) rectalgia (n.) - a pain in the ass (B) rectopathic (adj.) - easily hurt emotionally (B) rectrix (n.) - a female ruler (B) recubation (n.) - lying down (B) recumbentibus (n.) - a knockdown blow (B) recusant (adj.) - dissenting; disestablishmentarian (B) redargution (n.) - refutation or disproving (B) redhibition (n.) - the return of defective merchandise (B) redivivus (adj.) - living again; revived (B) refocillate (v.) - to warm into life again; revive (G) refragable (adj.) - capable of being refuted (B) refrangible (adj.) - capable of being refracted (B) refulgent (adj.) - radiant, brilliant, shining (B) reify - literally "to make a thing"; given definite, concrete form to something that is abstract remontado (n.) - someone who has fled to the mountains; a person who has renounced civilization (B) remplissage (n.) - filling or padding used in music and literature (see Piers Anthony) (B) remugient (adj.) - rebellowing; roaring or shouting anew (B) renable (adj.) - fluent, eloquent (B) renard (n.) - a fox; a sly or cunning person (B) renascible (adj.) - capable of being reborn (B) renifleur (n.) - one who gets sexual pleasure from body smells (B) renitent - resisting or opposing stubbornly; recalcitrant (G) repristinate (v.) - to revive; to restore (B) resipiscent (adj.) - restored to sanity; learned from experience (B) resupination (n.) - turning to an upside-down position (B) retrocopulation (n.) - woof (B) retromancy (n.) - fortunetelling by things seen over one's shoulder (B) retromingent (adj.) - urinating backward (B) retunded - to weaken or diminish the strength of effect of (G) rhabdophobia (n.) - fear of being punished or severely criticized (B) rhadamanthine - strictly and inflexibly honest and just (G) rhigosis (n.) - sensation of cold (B) rhonchisonant (adj.) - snorting; snoring (B) rhopalism (n.) - a sentence or poem i which each word is one syllable longer than its predecessor (B) rhyparography - the printing or painting of sordid and filty pictures (G) rhytiscopia (n.) - neurotic preoccupation with facial wrinkles (B) ribroasting (n.) - a sound beating; a thrashing (B) rictus (n.) - a very wide mouth; a gaping mouth, as in terror (B) risorial (adj.) - pertaining to, causing, or producing laughter (B) rixation (n.) - quarreling (B) rodomontade - arrogant boasting; pretentious blustering, ranting, or bragging (G) roil - vex; disturb; irritate; rile (G) roinous (adj.) - mean, nasty and contemptible (B) roitelet (n.) - a petty king (B) roman a clef (n.) - a novel whose characters are actual people thinly disguised (B) rubricism (n.) - tenacious adherence to rules of behavior or thought ructation (n.) - belching (B) rudesby (n.) - a loud-mouthed ill-mannered boor (B) rugose - having wrinkles (G) rumgumption (n.) - shrewdness (B) runcible (adj.) - sensuous (B) sacerdotophrenia (n.) - clerical stagefright (B) saltimbanco (n.) - a mountebank, a quack (B) sanguisugent - bloodsucking; bloodthirsty (G) sapidity (n.) - flavorful; tastiness (B) saponaceous (adj.) - soapy, slippery; or evasively ingratiating (B) saprostomous (adj.) - having bad breath (B) sardanapalian - luxuriously effeminate (G) sardoodledum (n.) - stereotyped or unrealistic characterization in drama; staginess, melodrama (B) sarmassation (n.) - love play (B) sarmassophobe (n.) - a woman who dislikes love play (B) sarmassophobitch (n.) - a woman who dislikes love play with me (B) satisdiction (n.) - enough said (B) satispassion (n.) - satisfactory suffering, according to theologists (B) saturnalia - period of unrestrained license and orgiastic revelry (G) scacchic - pertaining to or like chess (G) scaldabanco (n.) - a hotheaded debator; a fiery preacher (B) scaphism (n.) - an old Persian method of executing criminals by covering them with honey and letting the sun and the insects finish the job (B) scaramouch (n.) - a cowardly buffoon (B) scaturient (adj.) - gushing forth; effusive (B) schadenfreude - a feeling of enjoyment derived from the misfortunes of others schesis (n.) - mocking another's accent or manner (B) schizothemia (n.) - digression by a long reminescence (B) schmaltz - something stickily sentimental, banal schoenabatist (n.) - a tightrope walker (B) sciamachy (n.) - fighting with a shadow, or with an imaginary enemy (B) sciapodous (adj.) - having very large feet (B) scibile (n.) - something knowable (B) sciolist - one who pretends to scholarship or knowledge sciotheism (n.) - the belief that disembodied spirits are effective in human affairs (B) scissile (adj.) - capable of being cut smoothly or split easily (B) scofflaw (n.) - one who scoffs at, hence, violates, the law, a term proposed during prohibition (B) scolecophagous (adj.) - eating worms (B) scolion (n.) - an impromptu party song begun by one and continued by others (B) scollardical (n.) - a derogatory term for a scholar (B) scopolagnia (n.) - the pleasure gained from voyeurism (B) scortation (n.) - fornication (B) scout - reject or dismiss scornfully; flout; scoff at (G) screed - a lengthy discourse, usually used to describe opinions expressed in an uncomplimentary way scribacious - given to or fond of writing (G) scrofulous - morally corrupt; degenerate (G) scungilaginous - of the semifluid gelatinous consistency of the male genitalia (G) sebastomania (n.) - religious insanity (B) sectary (n.) - a fanatic disciple (B) sedentarize - to take up, or cause to take up, a permanent residence after a life of nomadic wandering (G) sedulous (adj.) - diligent, persistent, persevering (B) seeksorrow (n.) - masochist (B) sententious - wordy, verbose, ponderously trite, excessively moralizing sequacious - given to the slavish or unreasoning serving or following of others (G) sermocination (n.) - a speaker quickly answering his own question (B) shaconian (n.) - someone convinced that Bacon ghosted Shakespeare's plays (B) shaftsbury (n.) - a gallon jug of wine (B) shamateur (n.) - a bogus tyro (B) shardborn (adj.) - born in dung (B) shilpit (adj.) - feeble, puny, worthless, insipid (B) sicarian (n.) - an assassin (B) sicchasia (n.) - nauseau (B) sicchosism (n.) - morbid fastidiousness (B) sibyllilne - oracular; prophetic; mysterious (G) siffilate - to whisper (G) simony - buying, selling, or otherwise making a profit from sacred or spiritual things (G) simper - to smile in a silly, self-conscious, or affected way; smirk (G) skibbile (adj.) - wonderfully witty; sexually irresistible (S) skibbalalia (n.) - the overwhelming desire to purchase an alcoholic beverage for someone skibbile (S) skoptsy (n.) - self-castration (B) skybald (n.) - a good-for-nothing; a worthless person, animal or thing (B) smatchet (n.) - a small, nasty person or a nasty child (B) smellfungus (n.) - a malcontent; a grumbler or fault-fidner (B) snafu (adj. & n.) - situation normal, all fucked up [also: fubar - fucked up beyond all recognition; fubb - fucked up beyond belief; fumtu - fucked up more than usual; janfu - joint Army and Navy fuck up; sapfu - surpassing all previous fuck ups; susfu - situation unchanged, still fucked up; tarfu - things are really fucked up] sneckdraw (n.) - a sly person (B) snollygoster - a clever, shrewd, but unscrupulous person (G) sockdolager (n.) - a telling blow (B) solatium (n.) - anything that compensates for suffering or loss; an additional allowance (B) solifidium (n.) - someone who believes that faith alone is sufficient for salvation (B) somniloquacious (adj.) - pertaining to talking in one's sleep (B) soodle - to walk, stroll, or saunter in a slow, leisurely manner (G) sophomania (n.) - delusion of exceptional intelligence (B) sophrosyne (n.) - sober, sensible, prudent and rational (B) sorbile (adj.) - drinkable (B) spadonism (n.) - enuchry (B) spaneria (n.) - scarcity of men (B) spanogyny (n.) - scarcity of woman (B) spatiate (v.) - to stroll or ramble (B) spatilomancy (n.) - fortunetelling by observing animal droppings (B) spatrify (v.) - to besmirch, befoul (B) spawling - a noisy clearing of the throat (G) speciesist - for many people, a test is permissible when it inflicts pain on a 'lower' animal like a hamster, but not when the victim is a dog spodogenous (adj.) - pertaining to or due to presence of waste matter (B) spoffokins (n.) - a whore pretending to be a wife (B) spousebreach (n.) - adultery (B) spraints (n.) - otter dung (B) spurcidical (adj.) - foul-mouthed (B) squidgereen (n.) - a short, insignificant person (B) stagorium - an establishment (bar or resort hotel) that serves as a meeting place for unmarrieds (G) stasivalence (n.) - ability to have sexual intercourse only while standing (B) steatopygous - pertaining to or characterized by protuberant buttocks; fat rumped (G) stercoricolous (adj.) - living in dung (B) sterculius (n.) - the god of feces (B) sternutation - the act of sneezing; a sneeze (G) stertorous - characterized by heavy snoring (G) sthenobulia (n.) - strong will power (B) stirious (adj.) - like an icicle (B) stomachous (adj.) - obstinate; angry (B) stoopgallant (adj.) - humbling; ego-destroying (B) strepitous - making a great clamor; noisy; boisterous (G) stricture - an adverse criticism or remark, censure stultiloquence - foolish or senseless talk; babble; twaddle (G) Sturm und Drang - a German romantic literary movement of the late 18th century, the works of which typically depicted the impulsive man struggling against conventional society stygiophobia (n.) - fear of hell (B) stylite (n.) - ascetics who lived on top of pillars (B) suaviation (n.) - a love kiss (B) subagitation (n.) - copulation (B) subarrhation (n.) - betrothal accomplished by the man's showering presents on his incipient bride (B) subderisorious (adj.) - mildly ridiculing (B) subdititious (adj.) - secret substitution (B) subdolous (adj.) - rather crafty or sly (B) subintelligitur (n.) - a meaning implied but not stated (B) subsannation (n.) - derision (B) substaquilate (v.) - to defeat, overwhelm (B) supernaculum (n.) - a liquor drunk to the last drop; excellent booze (B) supervacaneous (adj.) - needlessly added (B) supinovalent (adj.) - able to fornicate only while supine (B) suppalpation (n.) - gaining affection by caressing (B) suspercollate (v.) - to hang by the neck (B) sybarite (n.) - someone overly fond of luxury and pleasure (B) tachydidaxy (n.) - fast teaching (B) talionic (adj.) -pertaining to revenge in kind (B) tanquam (n.) - someone educated enough to go to college (B) taphephobia (n.) - fear of being buried alive (B) tardigrade (adj.) - slow-moving, sluggish (B) tartuffish (adj.) - pertaining to the pious hypocrisy of Tartuffe, the protagonist in Moliere's play by the same name tathagatagarbha (n.) - the eternal and absolute essence of all reality according to Buddhism (B) tauromachian (adj.) - pertaining to bullfights (B) tautegorical (adj.) - saying the same thing with different words, opposite of allegorical (B) tautoousious (adj.) - being absolutely the same (B) tegetology (n.) - collecting cardboard beer coasters teknonymy (n.) - naming the parent after the child (B) telestich (n.) - a poem in which the consecutive final letters of the lines spell a name (B) temerarious - reckless; heedless; rash (G) temulance (n.) - drunkenness (B) tendentious - promoting a particular view or tendency; hence, biased, not impartial tenebrific (adj.) - dark or obscure (B) tenesmic (adj.) - pertaining to a painful but ineffectual effort to urinate or defecate (B) tentiginous (adj.) - sensuous, lascivious (B) teratology (n.) - the study of monsters (B) tergiversation (n.) - abandoning a religion or cause (B), or the act or process of subterfuge or evasion testudineous (adj.) - slow, like a tortoise (B) tetricity (n.) - austerity, harshness, gloominess (B) thalassophobia (n.) - fear of the sea (B) thanatism (n.) - the belief in life before death, not after it (B) thaumaturgic - or or involving the supposed working of miracles; magic (G) theanthropism (n.) - attaching human traits to one's god (B) thelymachy (n.) - a war of women (B) thelyphthoric (adj.) - that which corrupts women (B) thersitical - loud and grossly abusive foulmouthed; scurrilous (G) thrasonical - given to or marked by boasting and bragging (G) threpterophilia (n.) - a fondness for female nurses (B) timonism (n.) - misanthropy (B) titivate - to make smart; spruce up (G) tonguepad (v.) - to scold (B) tralatitiously (adv.) - metaphorically; figuratively (B) transilient (adj.) - pertaining to abrupt changes (B] transmogrification - changes into grotesque or humorous forms or shapes transude - to pass or ooze through or out, as sweat through pores (G) trichoschisticism (n.) - hair-splitting in an argument; the making of overly fine points tripudiation (n.) - the act of dancing triskaidekaphobia - fear of the number 13 or Friday the 13th (G) triturate - to rub, grind, or otherwise crush into fine particles; pulverize; comminute (G) truckle - to show servility or subservience (G) truntlement - trumpery (A) tugmutton - a great glutton (A) tussicated - driven about; tormented (A) typomania (n.) - obsession with the expectation of publication tyromancy (n.) - fortunate telling by watching cheese as it coagulates tyrosemiophily (n.) - the collecting of Camembert cheese labels uberous - fruitful (A) ulotrichous - having wooly or crisply curling hair (G) ultracrepidarian - going beyond one's own province; a person who does this, especially an ignorant or presumptuous critic (G) ululate - to howl or hoot; or to wail or lament loudly (G) unbosom - to disclose one's personal thoughts or feelings (G) vade mecum - a favorite book carried everywhere (B) valetudinarianism - weak or sickly state; thinking only of one's illness (B) valorization - government price-fixing (B) vaniloquence - vain and foolish talk (B) vapulate - to beat, whip (B) varietist - an unorthodox person; or someone who practices unorthodox sex (B) variorum - pertaining to a literary classic annotated by sundry contemporaries (B) vastation - purification through fire (B) vecordious - senseless, insane, mad (B) velitation - a petty fight; a skirmish (B) velleity - slight or faint desire; inclination (B) vellicate - to pull at, off, or out with a sudden jerk; to pluck; or to move with spasmodic convulsions; twitch (G) venery - the pursuit of sexual pleasure or indulgence ventoseness - windiness; flatulence (B) ventricumbent - lying face down; prone (B) ventripotent - fat-bellied; gluttonous (B) verbigeration - senseless reiteration of cliches (B) verbophobia - fear and dislike of words (B) verecund - bashful; modest (B) veriloquent - speaking truthfully (B) verism - the theory that ugliness is valid in art and literature as long as it's true (B) vernalagnia - spring fever (B) vesticate - to blister (G) vestryism (n.) - selfishness and parochialism said to be characteristic of rural parishioners viaggiatory - on the move; traveling around (B) vicissitudinary - pertaining to change, alteration, mutation (B) vigesimation - killing every twentieth person (B) vilipend - to belittle, to disparage (B) viparious - life-renewing (B) virago - a scold, a shrew, a termagent vitilitigate - to be particularly quarrelsome (B) vivisepulture - live burial (B) volitient - exercising free will (B) vomituration - retching, ineffectual vomiting, dry heaves (B) vulpinism (n.) - the quality of being foxlike, esp. crafty or cunning waghalter - a rogue, rascal or knave (B) wamble - to fell nauseous; or to move unsteadily, to stagger; to writhe or shake (B) wampus - a stupid, dull, loutish clod (B) wantwit - a fool (B) Weltanschauung - a comprehensive world view, especially from a specified standpoint Weltschmerz - sadness over the evils of the world, especially as an expression of romantic pessimism wergild - money paid by the killer's family to the family of the victim to avert a blood feud (B) withernam - taking one thing as reprisal for something else taken previously (B) witzelsucht - emotional state characterized by futile attempts at humor (B) wowser - a pecksniffian puritan (B) xenagogue - a guide (B) xenagogy - a guidebook (B) xenapistia - extreme distrust of strangers (B) xenoepist - someone who speaks with a foreign accent (B) xenomancy - fortunetelling by studying the first stranger that appears (B) xeronisus - inability to reach orgasm (B) xylophobia - fear of wooden objects; fear of forests (B) xyresic - razor sharp (B) yarmouth - insane (B) ydromancy - fortunetelling with water (B) zeitgeist - the general intellectual, moral and cultural level of an era (B) zetetic - asking; questioning (B) zoanthropy - insanity in which a patient believes he's an animal (B) zoetic - pertaining to life (B) zoilism - nagging criticism (B) zonesthesia - the feeling of wearing a tight girdle (B) zooerastia - sexual intercourse with an animal (B) zygal - H-shaped (B) zygomancy - fortune telling with weights (B)
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