Newest information is here:
This first one appears to be the best all around:
# Jacob Eliosoff's EMA (exponential moving average) # # ST = solvetime, T=target solvetime # height = most recently solved block # N=70 # MTP should not be used for (i=height - 10 to height) { # check timestamps starting 10 blocks into past) previous_max = max max=timestamp[i] if timestamp[i] > max } ST = max - previous_max ST = max(T/100,min(T*10, ST)) next_D = previous_D * ( T/ST + e^(-ST/T/N) * (1-T/ST) )A word of caution with the above EMA: when converting to and from bits field (aka target) to difficulty, it is important to not make a consistently wrong "rounding" error. For example, if previous difficulty was 100,000, it is important that nothing in the code make it consistently +50 more or consistently -50 less (0.05% error). That would cause the EMA at N=70 to have 3.5% error in solvetime. At 0.5% error per block, there is 35% error in the solvetimes (difficulty is 30% too high or low). The error that develops seems to be based on about 1.005^70 = 41%. If half the time it is +1,000 too high and the other half -1,000 too low, then it's OK. just don't be consistently wrong in the same direction. Error in the value for e=2.7183 does not hurt it.
In an simple average (SMA), a multiplicative error like this only causes a proportional error in solvetime, not a compounded error.
There is a T/solvetime ratio in two places. It must be the same in both places. I don't know how it would be coded to give something different, but it's something to be aware of.
The following attempts to make it smoother while having some ability to respond to faster to big hashrate changes.
# Dynamic EMA difficulty algo (Jacob Eliosoff's EMA and Zawy's adjustable window). # Bitcoin cash dev(?) came up with the median of three to reduce timestamp errors. # For EMA origins see # # "Dynamic" means it triggers to a faster-responding value for N if a substantial change in hashrate # is detected. It increases from that event back to Nmax Nmax=100 # max EMA window Nmin=25 # min EMA window A=10, B=2, C=0.37 # A,B,C = 10,2,37 or 20, 1.65 0.45, # TS=timestamp, T=target solvetime, i.e. 600 seconds # Find the most recent unusual 20-block event for (i=height-Nmax to height) { # height=current block index if ( (median(TS[i],TS[i-1],TS[i-2]) - median(TS[i-20],TS[i-21],TS[i-22]))/T/A > B or (median(TS[i],TS[i-1],TS[i-2]) - median(TS[i-20],TS[i-21],TS[i-22]))/T/A < C ) { unusual_event=height - i + Nmin } } N = min(Nmax, unusual_event)) # now do the EMA shown above with this NHere's another algorithm that seems to be about as good as the EMA
# Weighted-Weighted Harmonic Mean (WWHM) difficulty algorithm # Original idea from Tom Harding (Deger8) called "WT-144" # No limits, filtering, or tempering should be attempted. # MTP should not be used. # set constants # N=60 # See Masari coin for live data with N=60 # T=600 # coin's Target solvetime. If this changes, nothing else needs to be changed. # adjust=0.99 # 0.98 for N=30, 0.99 for N=60 # k = (N+1)/2 *adjust * T # there is not a missing N. # height = most recently solved block # algorithm d=0, t=0, j=0 previous_max=timestamp[height - N] for ( i = height-N+1; i < height+1; i++) { # (N most recent blocks) max_timestamp=max(timestamp[i], previous_max) solvetime = max_timestamp - previous_max solvetime=1 if solvetime < 1 # for N=60, 10*T solvetimes drives difficulty too far down, so: solvetime = 10*T if solvetime > 10*T previous_max=max_timestamp j++ t += solvetime * j d += D[i] # sum the difficulties this is how WWHM is different from Tom's WT. } t=T*N if t < T*N # in case of startup weirdness, keep t reasonable next_D = d * k / t # limits on next_D do not need to be used because of the above solvetime restrictions # but if you still want limits on D's change per block & expect max 5x hash rate # changes or want to replace the solvetime restrictions, use # limit = 5^(3/N) # next_D = previous_D*limit if next_D > previous_D*limit # next_D = previous_D/limit if next_D > previous_D/limit