Wednesday, December 23, 2015

misc PD ursolic acid, TUDCA, taurine, vibrations

taurine is unable to cross the blood-brain barrier. In addition of injured taurine transport systems under pathological conditions, CNS supplementation of taurine is almost null. Taurine is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory semi-essential amino acid extensively involved in neurological activities, acting as neurotrophic factor, binding to GABA A/glycine receptors and blocking the excitotoxicity glutamate-induced pathway leading to be a neuroprotective effect and neuromodulation. Taurine deficits have been implicated in several CNS diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, epilepsy and in the damage of retinal neurons. This review describes the CNS physiological functions of taurine and the development of new derivatives based on its structure useful in CNS disease treatment.   (FULL)
The plasma taurine levels of PD patients were decreased when compared with controls and negatively associated with motor severity but not NMS (non-motor)
Strikingly, hydrophilic ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), and its taurine-conjugated form (TUDCA), show profound cytoprotective properties.   (FULL)
Taken together, these results strongly suggest that cysteamine is the neuroactive metabolite of cystamine and may further support its therapeutic use in neurodegenerative diseases, particularly in HD and PD.
Glycerol, trimethylamine-N-oxide, Betaine, and Taurine induced partially folded conformation and in turn enhanced the aggregation of alpha-synuclein.
taurine (FULL)

In patients with Parkinson's disease, it was found that the CSF level of  taurine had an
Prof. Jürgen Götz and Gerhard Leinenga of the Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research, Queensland, Australia have pioneered the use of ultrasound at higher intensity to break up the beta amlyloid plaques in the brain, with dramatic benefits in mice
NSAIDs and curcumin offer some of the best protection against Alzheimer’s risk that we currently have available.
What you can do to lower your long-term risk of AD
?Regular and sufficient sleep
?Anti-inflammatories: NSAIDs, fish oil, curcumin=turmeric
?Weight control
?Mental and emotional engagement
?Yoga and meditation
?Vigorous exercise
?mega-doses of Vitamin D
?Melatonin at bedtime
?DHEA, Vit B12 and SAMe, especially for people with MTHFR genetic risk
?Low carb diet

Ursolic acid, could not confirm same as Ursocholanic acid.  UA lowers cholesterol and blood sugar and prevents muscle wasting. good for aging mice
It is particularly concentrated in apple peel but is also found in cranberries and prunes and in basil, oregano and thyme

usolic acid is also in a peruvian flower

Requested info from indian chemical supplier:
Dehydro (11,12)ursolic acid lactone (DUA)
ursodeoxycholic acid, ursodiol, UDCA, TUDCA (licensed drug)
Oxoursolic acid acetate
ursolic acid (natural compound in some plants)

coca tea
It works "primarily by blockade of the dopamine, serotonin or norepinephrine transporters". Blocking the transporters makes more of them available, primarily dopamine. Interestingly to me, it makes one more social.

Cocaine increases number of dendrite connections that are lost in PD, probably because more dopamine is being produced. The dopamine signals the connections to be maintained. A larger number of the dendritic spines with lower dopamine available to activate them might make "withdrawel" worse. The dendritic growth improves memory and occurs for up to 2 days after a single dose.

Unlike amphetamines, cocaine was not associated with an increased risk of PD

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