Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Jeff Hawkins & Numenta brain theories catching up with mine

In response to

I believe you're getting close to discovering the postulate I posted to your old forum about 7 years ago (after reading your book and watching your video of a helicopter) is probably true. 6 degrees of freedom are necessary to see movement of 3D objects in 3D space. My postulate is that the cortex is 6 layers because it is modelling this. The cortex is like millions or billions of groups of 6 equations (each minicolumn?) constantly receiving 6 unknowns and immediately solving to form a 3D world perception. This theory makes an observational prediction that I researched, confirmed, and I believe posted to your forum. I thought "what animal might see a 2D world?" The first thought is ants. An additional piece of potential observational evidence came to mind: wasps are very close cousins to ants. Sure enough, ant eyes have only 2 layers of neuronal support, while wasps have 6 because they see objects and fly in 3D. Going back to the wiki equation for degrees of freedom, you'll find only 2 degrees of freedom are needed to solve for a 2D world. Ants "see" and handle 3D objects with their feelers and two front legs....both of which have 6 layers. The exact number of layers in their brains may be debatable, but I'm in the ball park of the truth.
There are no integers in physics except for the 3D of space and fractional spins, which I'm told are the deeper basis of 3D space. These integers are deeply suspicious. Einstein and Bertrand Russell agreed that physics can be ultimately no more than a reflection of our minds. You argued against going down this rabbit hole that no great thinker has been able to come out of, and yet you are close to shedding light on it. 10 layers are needed to model movement of 4D objects in 4D space. What we see as velocity of an object would be seen as a static object to such a brain. Accelerations would velocities. Mass and energy would probably be defined differently, and I believe E=mc^2 in 4D space would be E=mc^3.
My  response to
It sounds like you’re describing a holographic model of the brain, which is very far from new terminology, but your model s *literally* a holographic model of the physical world. [This again parallels a very new and profound view of the universe, the holohgraphic Universe, further adding support to Einstein and Bertrand Russell's viewpoint.]
Each mini-column in a column might be forming an opinion as to a part of an object's position and movement in space-time (the objects might be as nebulous as things like "Microsoft" and "love", not just physical objects with physical mass in physical space, but still restricted to a 3 dimensions of "position" like microsoft's relation to other companies, but keeping probably keeping the time dimension unchanged). Each mini-column might be gathering data from other columns outside its own, different from other sister mini-columns, trying to form an opinion. They then maybe take a local kind of vote within their column to draw a conclusion.

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