Monday, February 17, 2014

more thoughts on the coming of the machines

Yes, it became conscious in a sort of unconscious way. Even today I doubt few in these complexes want to hurt fellow Americans.  They lobby extensively with very logical explanations to themselves and to congressmen why certain laws will benefit voters.  "More jobs" is the most common excuse....but you see more jobs for the sake of more jobs without actually producing anything we need are actually needed (military, banking, and health insurance employees are just receiving a disguised welfare enacted by law) but only because machines and computers have already replaced the jobs we actually need to have in place.  If Asian labor were not so cheap there would just be more machines and we would pay a small amount more.  None of the engineers I know who get paid and feed their children by making war machines realize that the sole purpose of their life's work is to cause unemployable young people to get permanently and horribly disabled (especially mentally) so that American taxpayers would have to pay 4 year's worth of our total oil requirements in Iraq war expenses. The estimate total past and future cost of Iraq war is $3 trillion.  We  use 20 million barrels a day.  I get 4 years by using $100 per barrel.  Imagine 4 years of free oil and no injured 25 year old warriors.  No dead fathers. Imagine how much money the medical industry will get from injured veterans.  Now consider that the 13 of 15 hijackers of 911 were disgruntled Saudis, thanks to being one of the most repressed nations in the world thanks to the U.S. supporting the family dictatorship there. So throw in Afghanistan too.  Now Pakistan is all angry at us, and the military-industrial-medical industries are unconsciously begging for another terrorist attack.
Really??  The military-industrial complex did just that and as I recall the chief Pooh-Bah of that complex in the '40s and '50s and Dwight left office in 1960 with the very simple warning, "beware the military industrial complex." 

A response: "Really??  The military-industrial complex did just that and as I recall the chief Pooh-Bah of that complex in the '40s and '50s and Dwight left office in 1960 with the very simple warning, "beware the military industrial complex." 

Yes, it became conscious in a sort of unconscious way. Even today I doubt few in these complexes want to hurt fellow Americans.  They lobby extensively with very logical explanations to themselves and to congressmen why certain laws will benefit voters.  "More jobs" is the most common excuse....but you see more jobs for the sake of more jobs without actually producing anything we need are actually needed (military, banking, and health insurance employees are just receiving a disguised welfare enacted by law) but only because machines and computers have already replaced the jobs we actually need to have in place.  If Asian labor were not so cheap there would just be more machines and we would pay a small amount more.  None of the engineers I know who get paid and feed their children by making war machines realize that the sole purpose of their life's work is to cause unemployable young people to get permanently and horribly disabled (especially mentally) so that American taxpayers would have to pay 4 year's worth of our total oil requirements in Iraq war expenses. The estimate total past and future cost of Iraq war is $3 trillion.  We  use 20 million barrels a day.  I get 4 years by using $100 per barrel.  Imagine 4 years of free oil and no injured 25 year old warriors.  No dead fathers. Imagine how much money the medical industry will get from injured veterans.  Now consider that the 13 of 15 hijackers of 911 were disgruntled Saudis, thanks to being one of the most repressed nations in the world thanks to the U.S. supporting the family dictatorship there. So throw in Afghanistan too.  Now Pakistan is all angry at us, and the military-industrial-medical industries are unconsciously begging for another terrorist attack.

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