Saturday, June 13, 2015

Physics thoughts again

If the expansion of space-time creates the mass we see (Stephen Hawking also said in his popular book that negative gravitational energy cancels all the positive mass energy that creates the gravity), then maybe the entropy per volume, adjusted for Hubble volume expansion, is not changing. The high energy particles were simpler in the past but in a smaller volume. This "intensive entropy" rather than the traditional "extensive entropy" makes even more sense if the expanding universe is infinite. So the development of time could be based more on the dual creation of mass and gravity at the same time. But if all energy cancels, was there zero energy in the big bang? By the way, if you use Einstein's (App 2 in "Relativity") meters=i*c*seconds conversion factor to express all lengths as i*time units or vice versa (time=length/i) then E=m*c^2 becomes E= -m*c^2. Energy is the negative of mass, and would have units of -1/seconds^2. Mass would have units of 1/seconds^2. So simply taking relativity seriously in your units gets rid of meters, Joules, and kilograms as distinct concepts. I believe it's squared because we have 6 layers of neurons in the brain which allows us to compress reality into 6 degrees of freedom which gives us the impression that reality has 3 dimensions of space, the only source of integers in physics. This in turn gives rise to perceiving integers in spin concepts the way we do. If we had 10 layers in the cortex, we would not think about energy and mass but quantities consisting of 1/seconds^3 or Einstein's equation would be E'=-i*m'*c^3. The "-i" because c^3 does not "get rid" of "i" like i^2 results in -1. The E' and m' are not the type of mass and energy that we currently see. This would make all mass at different velocities appear as distinct stationary objects, and all accelerations appears as velocities. 3D space is real to a 6-layered brain. 2-layered brains processing the information for the eyes of insects living on the ground is sufficient. The eyes are in a 2D world. But the antennae feelers and 2 front legs of ants are used to grab and turn objects and use 6 layered brains, keeping only 2 layers for their eyes. heir very close cousins the wasps have 6 layers for their eyes because they can fly. I do not know about ant drones, which should be good fodder for a PhD. The "Holographic Universe" goes the opposite way of 3D space, showing you that reality can be expressed equally well or better than 3D equations by using a projection on a 2D surface that surrounds a volume, rather than worrying about the details inside the volume. It seems like reducing the compression of reality down to 1D space and 1D time is the most logical choice. Quantum probabilities creating multiverses seems to another dimension. As I mentioned above, these would not need any creation of net energy or entropy.

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