Tuesday, September 15, 2015

nutrients for protien folding in PD

see http://zawy1.blogspot.com/2015/11/im-going-to-order-following-plant.html
for updates

This is a list of the best compounds for reaching the human brain and slow or stop the accumulation of misfolding a-Syn.  The first 4 have the added evidence that they work in humans by epidemiological studies.  Most of the other compounds listed do not have epidemiological evidence because they are not consumed in large enough quantities, not because they are less effective.  There is every good reason to believe most of these slow PD in humans. 

This is not all the compounds that help PD. There are many others that alleviate symptoms, reduce inflammation, chelate iron, cause neurogenesis, improve mitochondria function, and reduce oxidation.   This also does not include basic RDA nutrients that have also been shown to result in less PD in humans (vitamins A, D, B's, magnesium, and zinc).

Most people do not have the time, ability, and/or desire to really go through this list, let alone take more than 3 of them, so isolating what is best is important.  My main point is to show PD research is extensive and succeeding. Most of this research in a-syn misfolding for these compounds has occurred in the just the past 3 to 5 years. 

Also shown in human epidemiological work
Black tea extract
EGCG (green tea extract)

grape seed extract
gallic acid (in tea, grapes, berries, bananas, 200 mg/kg in mice (2 g/day human) $10/kg made from nutgall)
Myricetin (in many plants, from bayberry bark, $50 to $750/kg)
Morin (mulberry, osage orange, guava)
apigenin (parsley, celery, chamomile, dandelion, $50/kg)
baicalein (skullcap, a purple flower plant, not available, great but appears not bioavailable)
Nordihydroguaiaretic (a stilbene, may not absorb, chaparral medicinal plant)
specific citrus compounds: naringin, tangeritin (expensive), HMF, morin, auraptene (VERY expensive)

less likely in one good paper, but still very possible
Genistein (ginseng)
olive oil (ellagic acid)
Quercetin (e.g. apples)

Non-plant compounds
rasagiline (pharmaceutical)
methylene blue (common chemical, not completely safe)
 4-phenyl butyrate (BPA)

fisetin (in strawberries, reduces a-syn expression, not exactly its misfolding directly)

myricetin: vegetables, fruits, nuts, berries, tea, and is also found in red wine. Structurally similar to fisetin, luteolin, and quercetin and is reported to have many of the same functions as these other members of the flavonol class of flavonoids

references to FULL text articles:
rasagiline, methylene blue, BPA, baicalein

baicalein only, but detailed a-syn misfolding:
 HMF (not on alibaba) and auraptene (very expensive, $10 per 10 mg?)

Ellagic acid interferes with a-syn and synphilin aggregations

Searches on nutrients that may alleviate protein misfolding problems (like a-syn) that can occur in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12815102 (full)

nicotine and caffeine

Grape Seed Extract (gallic acid)
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19221432 (full)

naringin and rutin

tangerein (tangeritin)


heat shock proteins (hot baths and exercise)

Several polyphenols, phenothiazines, porphyrins, polyene macrolides, and Congo red and its derivatives, BSB and FSB, inhibited α-synuclein filament assembly with IC50 values in the low micromolar range. Many compounds that inhibited á-synuclein assembly were also found to inhibit the formation of Aβ and tau filaments.

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