Monday, November 30, 2015

parkinson's: mercury, locus ceruleus

MS and ALS are strongly connected to inprganic mercury poisoning.  Even moreso is motor neuron disease MND. Mercury preferentially attaches to neuromelanin in the SN and locus ceruleus. Mercury also prefers the upper motor neurons the corticomotor nuerons. The LC is most strongly implicated in PD and in particluar sleep, anxiety, balance and other problems related to PD and my symptoms but mercury in the LD was not found in 3 PD patients like it was in MND.  Excess of the norepinephrine (noradrenaline) it produces causes constipation and excess saliva and maybe anxiety.  So I do not know why damage to the LC appears to reduce the neurotransmitter that it produces. 

A singapore study showed 1 cup of black tea per day slashed PD cases by 71%. But it's also Singapore where PD was 20x more likely to be associated with mercury. Maybe in Singapore they eat a lot of fish with methyl mercury in it and it is known that black tea prevent mercury in fixed from being absorbed. So although I use 4 tea bags in a cup of black tea per day, it may not be doing me any good. Likewise for the 1/4 cup of coffee grinds ni my cup of coffee: it may only be helping if I've got certain genes.

A large Danish study in dental workers was the only one that seems to have looked carefully at mercury and PD.  It's findings were negative.

"The locus coeruleus may figure in clinical depressionpanic disorderParkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease[9] and anxiety. Some medications including norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (reboxetineatomoxetine), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors(venlafaxineduloxetine), and norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors (bupropion) are believed to show efficacy by acting upon neurons in this area."

Research continues to reveal that norepinephrine (NE) is a critical regulator of numerous activities from stress response, the formation of memory to attention and arousal. Many neuropsychiatric disorders precipitate from alterations to NE modulated neurocircuitry: disorders of affect, anxiety disorders, PTSD, ADHD and Alzheimer’s disease. Alterations in the locus coeruleus (LC) accompany dysregulation of NE function and likely play a key role in the pathophysiology of these neuropsychiatric disorders.[10]

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